4 and a half years POST OP.... Went from 465-195 lbs. in a year
June 7th, 2013 I like to think of as my second birthday. That was the day I had as one nurse told me at the time "The Cadillac of Bariatric Surgeries" my Duodenal Switch. For those of you with anxiety about the surgery or those of you contemplating it DO IT.
I was 6'5" 465 lbs I've always big a big guy but always fun always had friends not very out going (self-conscience about my size) though. I tried everything you have to lose weight thinking that was my main issue. One day I met Dr. Vivek Prachand at University of Chicago medicine. that meeting changed the course of my life. 1 year later on June 7th I had the surgery. I was a little nervous about it as expected but the procedure went great I was out the hospital 2 days later was back on solid food 3 weeks later.
The weight starts coming off immediately! To get ready for surgery they put me on a 1200 calorie a day high protein (75-100 Grams) diet 2 weeks prior to surgery which was HELL. Every other commercial was about food, I've never been so hungry but it was all worth it. A year later I was 200 pounds lighter feeling great about myself. I expected to lose the weight but I want to tell you what doctors and what most people don't talk about and everything else that changes.
It's not that they are hiding anything from you I just don't think they really know. With drastic weight loss everything changes AND I MEAN EVERYTHING. Once the weight came off I was scared it would come back, That wont happen with this surgery I've put on 25 pounds in the course of a few days one time over the next 2 days those 25 plus 5 extra came right off. This has been happening since my 1 year anniversary My body stays between 192 and 202 whenever I get around 205-210 the weight just comes off. It will take about a year and a half for your body to fully heal and you can eat or consume whatever you want. I do and never work out. But here's the drawback while you can consume whatever you want you shouldn't. Cheap bs food, snacks cheap snacks, greasy chicken will wreck havoc on you gastro system. Good quality food will stay with you a bit longer and not give you such a hard time on the toilet. Now I still enjoy fries onion rings shakes ice cream cake etc but if I know I'm not gonna be at home for the next several hours I stay away from.
I just started back having soda and beer again about a year ago. Carbonated beverages gave difficulty for a long time and sometimes still do. I can't drink a lot but I can sip it. The biggest change though will be at least for me it was confidence. My confidence went through the roof. I've never been so sure of myself.
I have so much more to say and talk about I'm glad I logged back into this site haven't been on here in years. I think I'm going to start a weekly BLOG I'd love to hear your stories and answer any questions you might have. But again congrats if you're taking the step to have it and if you're on the fence ask me anything, It was the best decision I've ever made.
That's an amazing amount of weight you have lost:)
It's been 6 years for me, and I still worry that I'll put most of my weight back on again, I keep checking in the mirror (I have to stop that..). I'm always surprised that my weight is NOT increasing when i weigh myself.
I'd be careful with the food part. I also can eat pretty much whatever I want. However, I'm lactose intolerant, becoming wheat intolerant, and I've been told I have a leaky gut - don't know where that came from.
Hi, i'm 20 months post op. I love the freedom weight loss gave me. I drove a jet ski and snorkeled for the first time( at 62 yrs old) not that I couldn't have done this before but I wouldn't because I was so self conscious and felt unworthy.
I worry every day about regaining weight. I don't Find I can eat anything I want, but it is less stressful. Eating flour and sugar or exceedingly oily food does have consequences. I don't drink carbonation and have definitely drink much more water than before. I walk with a group and love it. Having different bathroom habits was a learning experience but I adjusted
I feel so grateful to blend in instead of being the big girl in the room. I always hope that I will continue to honor the decision to do better for myself by following guidelines.

RNY revision to Lap DS Feb, 2016, Dr. Ayoola.
HW 235/SW 184/CW 127