Frustrated and stuck 8 years out

on 5/15/17 1:23 pm
DS on 08/28/16

So I lost 320 pounds with DS. Still have some I'd like to drop, I weight 250 now. I know probably 30-40 pounds of this is skin I can't get rid of without surgery but I'd like to drop maybe 30 more. But I have started having trouble controlling my eating and Im not sure why. Anyone else struggle this far out and how did you overcome it?

on 5/15/17 4:42 pm

congrats on your weight loss what an accomplishment. I think that is common, I had WLS in 2003, so I understand, you really have to look at what you are eating, how much, those pesky carbs have a way of slipping in, before you know it instead of a bite here and there, whole bagels are gone. either don't eat any or make sure you are careful with grazing, with those carbs...there is no magic answer, find something to occupy your mind so you don't nibble, its simple low carbs, stay away from refined sugars, increase protein and fat, increase water and exercise, simple of course does not mean easy

If you have a specific question for me, PM me or I will not see it, as I don't check responses on the forums and don't have anything forwarded to my email.

on 5/16/17 5:21 am - Saskatoon, Canada

First congrats on losing that much weight to start with, you have done wonderful, and second if your interested try the bites and vites recording for a few days and get a look at what is going on. I just started back and I am seeing problem areas. And the thing I like about it is I can be honest, which for me is saying a lot, I like to just isolate and keep to myself, so I do like having that option on here.

I am 13 years out and I seem to be gaining since my tummy tuck in Sept so I am really disappointed in myself, and I have also joined OA overeaters anonymous in my area and that is helping not beat myself up about the food stuff. And see that I have a problem with food issues.


Nov. 14/2005 I have reached the 10 year mark and I am very glad I had this surgery and can live a normal life.


Janet P.
on 5/16/17 5:52 am

You need to figure out the reason for your inability to control your eating and my suggestion would be finding a good therapist (if you don't already have one) to help you figure it out. Sorry some people may disagree with me, but I'm a firm believer in therapy.

The beauty of the DS is that it still works after 8+ years, but you have to work your DS. As far as the ability to lose those pounds, you know what to do -- kick the carbs to the curb for a while.

Good luck with finding a solution to your struggles.

Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny

on 5/16/17 10:28 am - Parma, OH
DS on 04/15/13

I'm only 4 years out but I can sympathize after realizing that my DS wasn't, for me, the complete answer. I tend to go up and down in a range but that tells me I could go just up under the right conditions.

I still go back to eating to the DS strengths of protein first and extra hydration. I also have been taking a look at many of the things I had failed at or was too overwhelmed to use from my pre-op days. The DS has left me in a position to try and use some of those tools better than I could before. I saw someone mention OA, for me I tend to go off and on to WW. I personalize it to my DS but a lot of the community and eating tips are still relevant. I especially do well when I track and while WW isn't required to do that ( I mostly use MFP ) the emphasis on being aware is helpful.

You can do this,


HW 552 CW 198 SW 464 4/15/13 - Lap DS by Dr. Philip Schauer - Cleveland Clinic.
