Dr. Hares patient, labs in the tank 8 years later
Hi. I'm 8 years down the road, and when I got the results of just some of my labs today, not all the results are in, it took my breath away. And before you even ask, yes, I've obviously not kept up with supplementation. And I'll be calling Dr. Hares tomorrow to make an appointment right away. But I am debating going to the ER tonight? My new "PCP" is such an idiot, does not understand the surgery or how the malabsorption works at all, and doesn't care to know. Here's an example of my labs...just reaching out for...whatever. But not to be chewed out, I'm doing that badly enough to myself, and I'm quite honestly terrified. And YES I will be calling Dr. Hares in the morning. Anyways...
Sodium- 135
Potassium- 4.2
Calcium- 8.2
Chloride- 108
Total Protien 6.4
B12- 126
Since you didn't provide the ranges, I checked on my most recent labs. Unless I'm completely reading this wrong, B12 is very low and your calcium is only slightly low. Don't know what AGAP is but the others seem to be within range. You need to see your ferritin (iron) and PTH Intact (that shows how much calcium is leaching from your bones).
Is this your first set of labs since your surgery? What supplement do you take? Not sure how much your surgeon will be able to help you. You need to get a list of the supplements you need to take for the DS and start taking them.
Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny
Oh, honey, I am so sorry that things have worked out like this. Will insurance allow you to get a different PCP? And does insurance take comments about PCPs? It seems to me that long term, you need to change that situation. Short term, if you start feeling bad enough, then go to the emergency room. Or go grab some vitamins from your local pharmacy (Walgreen's, CVS, ...) and start taking them now. You can handle this, even if it's terrifying.
Good luck and take care of yourself.
Sorry you are worried but nothing you've listed so far seems to be an emergency. How do they compare to labs from previous years?
We need the ranges but it seems like adding B12 and some protein would be good. More labs and comparison are needed to see if the calcium is actually an issue but if you're not taking calcium you should start right away.
Are these the only ones you had done? Where are your ADEK and B levels? PTH? Etc
Your surgeon will most likely be useless when it comes to supplements like pretty much all of them are. Go to vitalady and see what she recommends for vites and start there. You will need dry ADEK in separate pills plus many others I'm guessing. I track my results myself because doctors will tell you you're fine if you're just in range, even if you're free falling since last labs