DS Surgeons in Mexico
Has anyone had DS surgery in Mexico? I am self-pay since my insurance company specifically excludes bariatric surgery. Dr Esquerra at Mexicali Bariatric looks very well qualified and the reviews are excellent, but I am concerned about such a complex surgery. Any help & advice is greatly appreciated!
Dr. Esquerra worked with Dr. Ungson doing the DS for several years, then took over when Dr. Ungson took a government job last year. We've heard nothing but positive reports from people who have gone to him, both regarding the surgeon and also the care at the hospital. He is the only surgeon in Mexico that most of us would recommend.
Has anyone had DS surgery in Mexico? I am self-pay since my insurance company specifically excludes bariatric surgery. Dr Esquerra at Mexicali Bariatric looks very well qualified and the reviews are excellent, but I am concerned about such a complex surgery. Any help & advice is greatly appreciated!
I had my DS with Dr. Unison who was with that group. They are excellent. I have used other surgeons in MX but Mexicalli is the only group I now recommend.
I'm scheduled for a VSG to DS next week with Dr. Esquerra but I'm currently questioning his DS measuring methods after hearing that uses the Hess Method BUT gives everyone a 100cm CC.... which wont be good for me, weightloss-wise, if I have a short total bowel length. :(

**Third time is my charm**