RYN to Duodenal switch Yes or no
Revising from gastric bypass to DS is a big deal. It involves taking apart your present RNY and completely restoring the original anatomy, and then doing the DS. It is a complex and challenging surgery done by only a few experienced DS surgeons, and the risks are significant. on the other hand, if you are living with a significant amount of excess weight and maybe some comorbidities, and maybe struggling not to regain even more weight, it may be your best, or only, option.
Given that you are hungry every 2 hours, and able to eat more, it sounds like your stoma may have stretched. When this happens, food falls out of the pouch into the small intestine as soon as you eat it, and the pouch is almost always empty and you feel hungry. People think the size of the pouch matters, but the size of the stoma probably matters more. This is probably one of the most common reasons for failure of gastric bypass. It's very hard to live with constant hunger and not eat. It can also cause reactive hypoglycemia. It might be helpful to have an assessment of your gastric bypass done with either upper GI x-rays or upper endoscopy, making sure whoever does the study knows to assess the size of the stoma and not just the pouch.
More info for you coming in a pm.