Antidepressants and weight gain
There are many good antidepressants available nowadays. I would recommend asking your doctor to prescribe something NOT prone to causing weight gain if at all possible. I can't recall anyone with the DS with this problem, but I think it's a risk. I definitely have encountered a lot of people with gastric bypass *****gain significant amounts of weight when placed on antidepressants that cause weight gain.
Thanks for your reply. I have actually tried a few antidepressants and finally found one that is working somewhat. It is supposed to be unlikely to cause weight gain, but I recently saw a statistic that 30% of users gain weight. I am suspicious that it is the antidepressant because nothing else has changed and no amount of low carbing seems to be getting it off. Either way, I guess I have to put mental health first.
OMG anti depressants caused me to gain 45 pounds in 4 months post-op. I kept food journals and kept tell the doctors that this was an issue. but nope. i was just an out of control fatty in their eyes. When I stopped taking them, I stopped gaining weight.
There are supposed to be weight-neutral options out there, but my experience with them have been quite the opposite.
Good luck and hugs to you.
In all honesty I went off of the rails and imploded. I was so frustrated and saddened by what was going on, I gave up. I ate poorly, stopped exercising. ironically, sliding back into old habits only put on 10 pounds in 2 years. nothing compared to the medication. I got back on track last May, but the nutritionist insisted i add more fruit and oatmeal to my daily meal plan. I exercised like a beast and lost nothing as of September 1st. Then a member suggested I try atkins, which I did. I am doing ok, but not great in my eyes, but I am and always will be a slow loser. I am going to ask about a revision next week, even though one of the commentors on a revision related post made me feel like a lazy slob of a pig who wasn't worth the effort.
Long story short, I am at 229, trying to get rid of my regain by getting down to 194. It may take me a year, but if I keep at it, i will get there.
Thanks for your honesty and YOU ARE worth the effort! I wish you the best of luck and keep us updated on your progress. I am still on the meds and expect to be for some time so I guess I have to focus my efforts on not gaining rather than losing what I have gained. Low carbing just to maintain is no picnic. Low carbing is also depressing. Catch 22. Anyway, Mental health first!