What is the best thing to take for
not being able to go to the bathroom? Please?
Had revision (vsg to ds) on Tues and everything was ok on Wed. Thurs and Fri = nothing. I am being able to take all the fluids and protein drinks and such and took pain meds up until today. (I hear pain pills will cause constipation). Very uncomfortable tonight and can hardly sit up. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
In advance, thank you.
Most surgeons have an answering service on weekends/holidays, and someone in their practice who can be reached during off hours. Give it a try.
Keep in mind also that it is common for the intestines to be sluggish, or not work at all, after being handled during surgery. The medical name for this is an ileus. It gets better with time, but the amount of time varies from person to person.
Your pain meds are probably to blame for constipation. Try to wean yourself off asap for some real relief. Most will recommend trying milk of magnesia first before anything drastic. I got results with it - but getting off pain meds worked best for me.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes