Burning Stomach - whats causing this?
Over the past few days things have changed. I was comfortable eating about 3oz of protein at a time usually without too much difficulty. But over the last few days I have been able to eat less and less. It started that I was able to eat my normal amount but I would get this burning sensation in my stomach - not acid reflux or GERD related. Just this burning like I had just done a ton of ab work and they were burning. Then it got to the point that I would not be able to eat everything. It got harder and harder, and the burning started sooner and sooner. Now I am at the point that I at 1.5 oz shredded chicken with mayo & hot sauce for lunch and I could barely get it down. I had to force myself to get more food in. And a few hours later the burning is still happening. I have also been super gassy (and its really smelly). The gas is so bad it is causing me to burp and causing gas bubbles inside which are causing pain. Also i've gone from constipated to loose. Oh and the colors have changed as well, from dark to super light. Nothing is helping. I tried taking my simethicone that normally works for excess gas with no results. I even tried some acid reducer just in case (and i'm already on daily meds for this) but that didn't help either. Any ideas on what is going on? Thanks for your help.
HW 284; SW 270; CW 152; Revised GW 140-160
I have no help for you but I find the sudden change a little alarming. I second the thought of contacting your surgeons office. I wonder, with no real knowledge, if you might have developed a stricture that is not letting the food through the way it should. Just a thought, i've seen that sometimes things like that can just work themselves out. Maybe just go to soft foods for a day or two to see if that helps? Cottage cheese, yogurt, maybe some kind of protein shake???
Thank you everyone *****sponded. I called my surgeon's office and was advised to head to the ER as they will need to run some tests (x-ray, ultrasound etc) and going into the Surgeon would result in me be steered to the ER anyway! So I am on my way. Will update you all when I know more. Its gotten to the point even water is causing problems.
HW 284; SW 270; CW 152; Revised GW 140-160
Your PCP can diagnose a gallbladder problem. In the meantime, look up the triggers to avoid, like caffeine and fat. I know there's more, but that's specifically what got my husband in the ER to remove his.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes