Where do you get one of those "100 Pounds Off" stickers?

Brandy G.
on 3/26/15 10:26 am
DS on 08/20/14

Cuz I did it!  :-) 

I am 102 lbs down.


I was on track to pass this milestone last month, but then I got super strict on my diet and carbs and screwed up everything.  Doing everything right turned out to be very, very wrong.  My weight loss ground to a halt.  It has taken two weeks of ignoring everything to get back on track.   


I did things like take my total carbs down to 35 or less as opposed to my net carbs being somewhere in the 50 to 60's (Ok, maybe an occasional 70 if I was feeling rough.)  I have avoided grains and other starches since the beginning, but I cut out anything with any sugars, even changing my vitamins, avoiding yogurt, and anything like that.  I had successful avoided a diet mindset for 6 months, but I wanted to cross the 100 lbs. line so badly, I threw all that good sense out the window.  I knew I was on the wrong track, but I still wasted a week trying out being even MORE restrictive.  Ah well.   Hopefully, lesson learned. 


Now I am 12 lbs. to ONEderland!  And 15 lbs. to my BMI being under 30, so officially only overweight and not obese.  Those are more mind blowing milestones to me.  I am wearing a woman's size L clothes, where I used to be plus sized 24 or so.  I was in the largest bra size that the plus size stores carried.  Now I'm wearing an Old Navy size L sports bra. 


I am seven months post op and it has been a hell of a ride, but it gets easier and easier every day.  Only bad lingering issues I have are being cold a lot of the time and I'm still stuck in the calcium .vs. constipation wars, but I feel like I'm more fine-tuning my battle strategies now rather than losing the war like I used to.  Taking my vitamins have become habit and no biggie.  My blood work is all good. 


And I have no problems with super smelly poop or gas or leaking or anything gross like that.  None.  Never have.   The only real change in my bathroom habits (if my calcium constipation isn't acting up) is that I used to get up, pee and then poop in about an hour.  Now I get up, pee and poop immediately.  Occasionally, I may poop late in the afternoon again, but I think that generally is because I have not tuned my laxative to calcium ratios well enough. 


I think I will need to see the plastic surgeon for my arms and thighs, but it is still too early to tell.  I upped every skin vitamin known to man in hopes of avoiding this. 


I remember when I decided to do the surgery, I knew I was in for a few months of hell and couldn't wait for it to be over.  It feels **** good **** to be on the other side.  It seems around approximately 9 months when people's lives stop being defined by their weight and their surgery and I am looking forward to that milestone as well. 


To those of you just starting this journey, my only advice is "FORWARD!!"  Don't let anything stop you.  Like the vast majority of people who have traveled this road before me, my only regret is that I didn't do it younger. 



August 2014 - DS @ Mexicali Bariatric Center / Ungson.
It took me one and a half years to lose 165 pounds.
Weight: High=314, Goal=155, Current=131

on 3/26/15 12:29 pm, edited 3/26/15 12:29 pm - Rochester, MN

Congratulations on your milestone! I'm right there with you on the being cold all the time! My wife just laughs at me about that


on 3/26/15 12:45 pm - Lakewood, WI

That is awesome! Congrats!

on 3/27/15 11:58 am - Warner Robins, GA




Noreen  HW 352 / SW 324 / CW 175/ LW/ 148 / GW 150   (achieved Aug 14 '11)



K P.
on 3/27/15 2:36 pm
DS on 07/08/14


Being just overweight is an amazing feeling! 

I keep hoping that my body will get used to all the weight loss and I won't be so cold, but no such luck yet. Today was the first day that I haven't worn several layers - and it was 70 out. 

HW 284; SW 270; CW 152; Revised GW 140-160  

on 3/29/15 11:38 pm - Parma, OH
DS on 04/15/13

Congrats!! Love your story. You've done great!!

on 3/30/15 2:28 am
DS on 11/28/14

That is so awesome!!!

you are lucky that you've found out what works for your body.



Kathy S.
on 3/30/15 3:59 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Hi Brandy,

WOOHOO, congratulations to saying goodbye 100 pounds FOREVER!  Were you talking about the OH Century Cards?



Please share Your Journey with us and submit your before and after photos

Before & After Gallery Submission Instructions

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 3/31/15 3:50 am
DS on 11/17/14

Thank you! been looking for this link myself haha! :)



on 3/31/15 10:52 pm
DS on 10/10/14

Congrats!!!  I am behind you by 2 months (10/10/14).  I am down 75 and it sounds like my size was about the same as your at the start.  I have been struggling with thinking I am hungry all the time lately - your passing that huge milestone has given me the idea to focus and get this back on track!

Have a great day and enjoy your success!!


HW 310  CW 222   SW 295  GW 175

DS 10/10/14 by Dr. Ranjan Sudan - Duke Medicine
