CARBS - oh my!

on 12/2/14 11:34 pm

So at 6 weeks, I am now on solid foods. But my lists still says to avoid things like pasta etc. Here is what is weird....when I try to get my protein in the meats make my tummy rumble and hurt just a little and yet I can take a bite of bread and it makes it feel 'sooothed'...?? Thinking this must be in my head from pre-surgery when you'd take a piece of dry bread with meds or to calm an upset tummy. BUT........2 hours later the gas pain is unbearable.


My question I guess is this.....will pasta do that same as a piece of bread if I only take a few bites. Was at a work luncheon and they served pasta only.......thats I didn't dare eat anything for fear I would'nt make it through the rest of the day.


It's a catch 22 because - it's good to have that side affect to keep you from going on carb over load but it's also difficult when out somewhere like these work meetings that your only choice is eat or don't eat!

on 12/3/14 12:22 am

you really should not consume pasta or bread especially so early out first you will tear up your gi and you will not lose the weight appropriately, you want to maximize your weight loss till you undergo intestinal adaptation at about 18 months or so.   You have room for protein and eat it every couple hours to get in the correct amount, forget any kind of carbs now, none simple or complex.  yes you will get bad gi issues with simples carbs like that.  I didnt start adding complex carbs till 2+years out.  you need to be better prepared at work, have chobani, string cheese, lunch meats, ricotta,  handy, there are countless people who have T2diabetes and shouldnt eat that stuff so you should be able to find meal replacements that work for you.

on 12/3/14 1:10 am

Thanks - I actually stayed away from the pasta. But I have taken a couple bites of bread on maybe 2 or 3 occassions.....I'll stop that.

When you say avoid carbs simple and complex.....are you talking about the carbs in my protein bars as well? I've found one with 20g protein but still has 16g carbs....

on 12/3/14 1:25 am

actually for the first at least 6 months you should focus on good quality proteins only, eggs, meats, fish, cheese etc.  you eat those first and so early PO you dont really have room for anything else.   proteins bars for me are candy and that is the way I treat them, with sugar alcohols etc they will stall your weight loss.  you really need to focus on simple proteins, no fillers, etc this should be the way you should be eating.

on 12/3/14 1:52 am

I do eat the good proteins as well.........just having a hard time getting up to the 60g of protein let alone anywhere near 80-100g that I understand should be my main goal. I added that protein bar just to give me a quick jump of 20g protein. As I understand your suggestion - you're saying better to be a little lower on the overall protein count and go whole foods rather than supplements for up to about 6 months......?

on 12/3/14 4:45 am

no, you are not supplementing, those bars are like candy...I am saying eat good quality protein and increase as your vsg allows you.  If you have room for that protein bar you for sure have room for chobani plain greek which has 14g of protein, or chix w/mayo, hamburger, or ricotta cheese, nice piece of fish  that is very easy to eat, etc.  especially this early out you really should not be consuming anything that is not a good quality protein if you have to drink a carb free protein shake (I never did, I would eat my protein) but for heavens sake stay away from those bars and simple carbs, I could not fathom eating that stuff so early out, work with your DS

on 12/3/14 1:53 pm
DS on 11/28/14

I agree....I would not eat those protein bars. I've never found one that is low enough in carbs that I felt like I could eat it. You're way better off with a ready to drink protein shake than one of those bars. 

Land stay away from breads, pastas, grains, and rice! They will slow or stop your weight loss!

I just had my resleeve and DS Friday so I'm still on clear liquids but I need to dig way back in my MFP and see what I ate after my sleeve. 

on 12/3/14 8:11 am

Carbs are bad.  The only good carb is the one you don't eat.


Now, just lose the weight.  As much as possible, as fast as possible.  Try for 10% BELOW goal to accommodate bounceback.  Don't take the chance of running out of weightloss before you run out of fat.  You have the rest of your life to find out how many and what carbs you can eat.  You only have a limited time to lose as much as possible.  Use it wisely.


Keep things like jerky, nuts, and protein powder at work.  Maybe cans of tuna.  Make sure you always have something you can eat!

on 12/3/14 8:21 am

I do love jerky - but being only 6 weeks out I didn't know if I could eat that....?

I think I have been feeling so good that I started thinking of eating - not bad - but well rounded type meals rather than strictly protein. I'll have to change that mind-set - Thanks!

Did you guys eat vegetables at all.....?

on 12/3/14 8:37 am

Forget well rounded.  Fat and protein are good for you.  Everything else is optional.  And yes, you can eat jerky.  Just chew well.

If you want a veggie, try the lower carb ones like green beans and spinach.  BUT only after you have had your protein!  You shouldn't have room for much but a bite or two.  Fruit is sugar/carbs.  Read labels.  If it's loaded with carbs, it is not for you.

At more than a decade out, I can eat anything I please.  But I still need to get in my protein and fat.  So yes, you will see me eating a tuna salad with lettuce/etc.  But it's heavy on the tuna and light on the 'salad'.  I probably have some kind of fruit once a month or so.

After you reach your goal, your diet can become more normal but you still have to get your protein in!  The scale will teach you fast how many carbs you can eat without gaining.  Some people DO eat carbs and still reach goal.  And other people never reach goal without eating  carbs.  There is no way to know in advance how you will do.  I hope you are one of the lucky ones!  But now is your time to lose so just lose the weight!

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