Suggestions from OH Member and OH SGL Father Don

Member Services
on 8/11/14 6:50 am - Irvine, CA

Father Don has attended many ObesityHelp Conferences throughout the years.  He is a long-term OH member and a valued OH Support Group Leader.  Don and his wife, Tonimarie (they met at an OH Conference and are now married!), are unable to attend this year but Don wanted to share these suggestions with 2014 OH Conference attendees:

"1. Do not be a wall flower. Walk up to others. Introduce yourself.

2. You will develop bonds and friendships that transcend distance, religion, culture, and sexuality.

3. Share you story and journey.

4. Take in everything, enjoy it.

5. You will develop a "high" that will last one to two weeks after the conference.

Last but not least, I will tell you to NEVER, EVER use the phrase "I ONLY lost...." Any loss is a victory. If you lost 20 pounds pre-surgery, you wouldn't use that phrase, so never, ever use it at the conference

Have fun. Wish I could be there! I will just live through others that attend."

Thanks Father Don for sharing your insights as a veteran of OH Conferences. 

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