on 6/23/14 6:58 am, edited 6/23/14 7:09 am

Just read on the VSG site that Dr. Aceves in Mexico passed, due to a plane crash.

                      VSG TO DS REVISION 




on 6/23/14 7:12 am - VA

First I've heard about this. I sure hope it isn't true.  :(


5'1" -- HW 195/SW 187/GW 115 July 08/CW 121 Dec 2012

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? 
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DS on Aug 9, 2007 with Dr. Hazem Elariny

on 6/23/14 7:34 am - Land of Oz, KS
DS on 04/20/12

There's one way to find out...  His office's phone number is listed here:



Starting Stats: Ht: 5' 0" HW: 242 ~ SW: 229.9 ~ CW: 117 ~ Goal: 124.9 ("normal" BMI)
% EWL @ 03 months: 36%             % EWL
 @ 09 months: 80%
% EWL @ 06 months: 63%             % EWL @ 12 months + 2 weeks: 100%

on 6/23/14 11:22 am

Por Juan Galván

Pequeño avión particular que volaba de San Luis Gonzaga a Mexicali sufrió una falla y se precipitó al mar al sur de San Felipe en terrenos del Municipio de Ensenada, pescadores de la zona rescataron a tres personas con vida y con sus lanchas jalaron el avión a la playa para evitar que se lo llevara la marea; se informó que dentro quedaron los cuerpos de tres fallecidos.

Son tres muertos: una mujer y dos hombres, todos de Mexicali; uno es José Nava, al parecer el copiloto, el otro occiso es el doctor Alberto Aceves y una mujer de nombre Ana Laura Brawn, todos de Mexicali.

La matrícula de la aeronave es XBBTO, propiedad de la empresa MBC Servicios S.C., con domicilio en la avenida Madero 1119-2, segunda sección.

El reporte que las autoridades tenían del caso eran limitados por la mala comunicación que hay en la zona y que además se hicieron cargo autoridades de Ensenada, quienes tardaron horas en llegar al intrincado lugar del accidente, un campo pesquero denominado Rancho Grande, 155 kilómetros al sur de San Felipe.

La información llegó al C4 mediante los llamados de los mismos pescadores, quienes reportaban que vieron una avioneta tipo Cessna con problemas que amarizaba de manera violenta en una zona cercana a la playa, que al haber marea baja no se hundió.

Los testigos rápidamente acudieron a prestar ayuda y encontraron a tres personas con vida, mismas que llevaron a la orilla y prestaron los primeros auxilios; luego en previsión del aumento de la marea, decidieron jalar el avión con sus lanchas hacia la playa, para que acudieran las autoridades a tomar conocimiento de los hechos.

La aeronave se desplomó sobre el mar con seis personas a bordo de las cuales tres se salvaron y tres fallecieron; la avioneta fue rescatada por pescadores y llevada a la orilla con los cuerpos adentro.

Personal de la Sedena y de Semar, se presentaron al sitio e indicaron que la zona donde cayó el aparato es conocido como Las Alfonsinas. Al cierre no se tenían mayores datos de los fallecidos ni de los sobrevivientes.

Thanks to Google Translate:
By Juan Galvan

Small private plane flying from San Luis Gonzaga to Mexicali suffered a failure and crashed into the sea south of San Felipe on land in the Municipality of Ensenada, local fishermen were rescued three people alive and with their boats they pulled the plane to the beach to keep the tide take him; that were reported within the bodies of three dead.

Three dead: one woman and two men, all of Mexicali; One is Jose Nava, apparently the passenger, the other deceased is Dr. Alberto Aceves and a woman named Ana Laura Brawn, all of Mexicali.

The aircraft registration is XBBTO, company-owned MBC SC Services, located at Avenida Madero 1119-2, second section.

The report that the authorities had the case were limited by poor communication that exist in the area and also took care authorities Ensenada, who took hours to get to the intricate scene of the accident, a fishing camp called Rancho Grande, 155 miles south of San Felipe.

The information came to C4 by the calls of the fishermen, *****ported that they saw a Cessna type plane with problems amarizaba violently at a nearby beach, which at low tide does not have collapsed area.

The witnesses quickly went to help and found three people alive, leading them to shore and gave first aid; then in anticipation of rising tide, they decided to pull the plane with their boats onto the beach for them to come the authorities to take cognizance of the facts.

The aircraft crashed over the sea with six people on board, three of which were saved and three died; the plane was rescued by fishermen and taken to the shore with the bodies inside.

Staff of the Department of Defense and Semar were presented to the site and indicated that the area where the unit fell is known as The Alfonsinas. At the close of the deceased older data or had no survivors.

Duodenal Switch (Lap) 01-24-11 | Surgeon: Stephen Boyce | High weight: 250 in 2002 | Surgery weight: 203 | Lowest weight: 121 | Current weight: 135 | Goal weight: 135


on 6/24/14 4:39 am

This is very sad.  RIP.

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
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