Gas odor is off the HOOK~Help~
Doesn't matter what I eat my gas odor is off the hook. That nasty lingering room clearing god awful smell. I only eat protein, no milk, no sugar. I can't for the life of me figure out why I smell so bad. I'm going to call my dr on Monday. In the mean time should I jump on the Devrom band wagon or what? What do you all do and where do you buy it? Any advice or help would be appreciated.
Yogurt really helps on several fronts.
I also started taking probiotics. I've tried several different brands of probiotics, but Garden Of Life makes a line called Ultra Primal Defense. It's expensive, but you get what you pay for. It really works.
I noticed that the probiotics really cut down on the gas, and the odor is greatly reduced. And I feel better when I eat yogurt and take the probiotics in general.
I've not had to resort to Flagyl yet. I'm saving that for when nothing else works and it really should be a last resort.
What kind of yogurt do you all eat? Everything I look at seems to have too many carbs and or sugar in them.
I also second the probiotics.
I use Fage plain Greek yogurt and sweeten it with All Fruit jam or something like that. The carbs and sugar in this brand are from the natural milk sugar. There is no added sugar or artificial sweeteners.
I"m taking a chewable probiotic but maybe I need to try a different one. I don't use artificial sweeteners I learned that very early on they give me severe gas pains. I drink my protein and water that's it. I only eat protein, no carbs, no sugar. I'll get some yogurt and hope that helps. Thank you everybody for your input I really appreciate it.
I have also went on Flagyl on several occasions to eliminate the bacterial overgrowth. Many doctors are a little leary of using this method. I am lucky enough to have a doctor who is willing to learn about us DSers needs and is working with me.
Good Luck,