acid reflux
I had GERD pre-op, along with a hiatal hernia. I had the hiatal hernia repaired when I had the DS, but did not have a Nissen fundoplication done. I still took Nexium for a few years after my DS, then had a break where I only took Zantac (different class of drug) for a few years. Eventually (about 5 years post op), the hiatal hernia repair failed. I just managed it by lifestyle changes and Nexium. Fast forward to now, 10 1/2 years post op, and I am having major GERD issues. I had a 24 hour PH study and motility test about a month ago. I have twice the acid a normal person has and a basically non-functioning lower esophageal sphincter in addition to the hiatal hernia. I am looking into having it repaired.
In addition to the discomfort and issues associated with the GERD and HH, I am becoming increasingly concerned about long term side effects of PPI use.