Raw Coconut Oil Fast
I'm two years out post DS and my wt has stabilized. Actually, I'm up about 10 lbs. I am considering doing a raw coconut oil fast this coming weekend for three days. Has anyone experimented with this? I'm hoping for two things. One, I want to address / fight candida, and two, I want to drop a few pounds. For people who have done this or other fat fasts, has th wt you've dropped been easy to maintain or did it bounce back on?
Thanks for the help!
1. No, never heard of it. There are new fad/gimmick diets every year. You have found one of them. None of them lead to sustained weight loss and most of them are unhealthy.
2. Sounds awful.
3. There is a far healthier, more pleasant way for someone with a DS to drop lbs and get back on track. Up your protein. Go low carb. Don't worry about fat either way.
4. Esp with a DS, you need protein to sustain your health. surely you knew this going into your DS. You are putting yourself at risk for protein malnutrition, which is a very serious condition, and which is far more difficult to correct than it is to prevent.
I can't think of one good reason for you, or really anyone, to try this approach. It's right up there with the cabbage soup diet, the grapefruit diet, and all those other diets that have someone eat just one or two things. And when this one disappears (because it doesn't work) someone will dream up another one product miracle diet. You KNOW this is the wrong approach. Don't do it.
ALL carbs turn into simple sugar except the really fibrous ones, yeast feeds on sugar ,so there you go. The way to starve candida is to eat NO sugar or things that
turn into sugar. Usually for the rest of your life.
As far as losing a few pounds,you don't need a gimmicky diet,you need to USE your DS appropriately.
This is just one of many that I found on google =)
http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-8376/10-signs-you-have-candid a-overgrowth-what-to-do-about-it.html
Thank you so much for your very informative and helpful posting! I did have an outbreak of oral thrush which was probably triggered by my beginning to use a mouthwash with peroxide in it. But, the candida was present and ready to get out of control, which I don't like. I did go to a doctor and I did take medicine to get the thrush back under control. My tongue is actually looking really good and doesn't even seem to have the pale coating it kept most of the time pre-thrush. But, I'm having some soreness on my tongue that I'm unsure about. Basically, I am wanting to do the coconut oil detox to give my body a break from sugar -- which I do tend to over indulge in. I want to give my body a chance to let go of some amount of systemic candida if I have a more systemic problem. And, I want to give myself a chance to let go of some sugar cravings. It will be a learning experience, I'm sure!
I had recently read about sore tongue and B12 but I did not realize that B2 could cause it. Does B2 have another name? I have been taking a little more B12 but I had figured I was doing pretty good about taking that already. But, I've been more hit and miss on taking my B Complex. I'll make a better focus of it. I also started focusing on vitamin C. I haven't been taking a multivitamin in awhile. I just can't get on board with the centrum recommended by vitalady. I think that maybe they make my tummy feel a little uncomfortable when I take them. I'd like to find another full spectrum option to a multi. Anyway, I figured my vitamin C might be low and I've started pushing vitamin C a lot more in just the last couple of days. Whether it's the B12 (which I've started taking a little extra of) or vitamin C, I do think I'm seeing some improvement in my tongue soreness.