Need help...lost TOO much weight, how do I gain some back??
Thank you everyone for your replies. I will have to see Dr K again since the nausea/vomiting isn't getting any better. I have tried small high carb foods, and am still nauseous afterward, and sometimes throw them up. At this point, I can't even keep my protein shake down for more than an hour. It feels like I am digesting SUPER SLOW. If I throw up at night, even my breakfast is still in my stomach. This is why it's so hard for me to keep eating...I still feel full or I'm already nauseous.
I will look up that medication though and discuss it with Dr. K
Hugs to all of you!
Increase your carb intake, but make it good complex carbs, like fruits, veggies and whole grain foods. Kashi cereal in the REd box ( the original) is my go to for breakfast and snacks...and there's 13g of protein in it to boot!
To piggyback on leanonme's suggestion, Viokase is great. I had to use it when I was early out, but then it became unavailable for a while in the US. Creon was the replacement. I never switched back, because I didn't know it was available again.
Either one works fine for me, but Viokase is just a teeny bit better!
Note to self: talk to Dr. about switching back to Viokase!