No, it will not keep you from having the surgery. They only need to know that you have apnea so they can prepare for it. I also was diagnosed with apnea but refused to go back and do the mask part because most people are cured of it shortly after surgery. I did not want to waste my time or money. I no longer have the apnea.
You may have sleep apnea because you're fat, or you might just have it because of how your neck structure/palate etc is formed. I still have apnea 80 lbs after my DS. My Daddy has it too and he is not overweight at all.
During my DS, I was on a ventilator. After my DS, I wore my CPAP every time I slept. At first they had an oxygen tube feeding into my CPAP tubing. Later they took the oxygen off and I just used the Cpap. I was instructed to bring my cpap with me and I was using my normal cpap.
I like the Res med swift fx for her. It is on my nose only. You may like it because it is not very restrictive and if you feel like you can't breathe you can just open your mouth to get more air in.
Ask your sleep doctor if you can get an auto set CPAP machine and avoid the 2nd sleep study. It seems like on the 2nd study they establish the air setting you need. With the auto set machines, the cpap automatically gives you what you need and doesn't have to be set to a specific pressure.
I have obstructive sleep apnea. I was intubated for the surgery and when I woke up I had an oxygen mask on. I brought my CPAP with me and used it before/after my DS. No one asked about my pressure settings prior to surgery.
When I first got my CPAP, I had the face mask that covered my nose. That one took forever to get comfortable and it was even a little painful at times. I now have the one where there is a small part that goes into my nostrils. It doesn't feel as closed in as the other.
I think it is important to complete the sleep study and get whichever device/treatment for the apnea. Obesity is not the only determining factor for sleep apnea. I was considerably smaller when my sleep apnea first emerged. I am hopeful that losing the weight will correct my condition, but I'll keep wearing my CPAP until I know for sure it is no longer an issue.
I had been diagnosed with a mild case of obstructive Sleep Apnea. I was working with the company to find the right machine and mask before I ordered and paid for it and kept changing things up until I had my surgery. I brought the machine I was "trying out" to my surgery but they never hooked it up so it wasn't a big deal. I can tell you that they found out I had suspected sleep apnea when I stopped breathing in the recovery room after my hysterectomy. This is not something to hide. The surgeon needs to know. Also, if you don't sleep with your mouth open, there are the masks that are just for the nose and they were much more comfortable although they do take time to get used to them even once you are at home.
Try and see if the service provider will let you try out different masks to see which one you can get used to...
Best of luck
My surgeon told me about people having trouble because they stopped breathing under anesthesia. I'm not sure I could have done it the way you are describing. I had one test to diagnose the sleep apnea then later I got fitted with a nose mask and APAP (adjustable) and got sent home where I could get used to it in my own time.
I didn't like any of the masks to start but for me the nose mask felt the best. I spent an hour watching tv with the mask on and the machine running to get comfortable each night for the first week. 4 months later it is just another bedtime ritual, I don't need any extra time to get used to it.
If you can't do it then I'm sure they will work around it. Good luck.