What can split open your stomach?
To those medically inclined vets:
When I get full I sneeze or cough. This is new since starting soft foods after surgery (yesterday). I hold my stomach when I do it, but can something like that split open my internal incisions? Maybe I'm being paranoid but I just want to do everything I can to avoid complications.
When I get full I sneeze or cough. This is new since starting soft foods after surgery (yesterday). I hold my stomach when I do it, but can something like that split open my internal incisions? Maybe I'm being paranoid but I just want to do everything I can to avoid complications.
DS on 04/17/13
Also listen to these signs that you ate too much. I still can get a vagal nerve reaction, sneezing mostly and I am happy because it reminds me that I cannot eat as much as I think I can. I have been pretty successful at avoidinig this because I really hate it and will not overeat to avoid it.
It hurts, yeah.