1 week post op and still in so much pain!
It's been one week since my surgery and I am still in so much pain. The incision below my belly button is flaming red and Dr. Keshishian thinks its because its not draining and I go tomorrow and he's going to open up. I am in bed almost all day long because anytime I'm out of bed and move around the pain is so much,so I have to sit back down preferrably lay back down. When do we turn the proverbial corner and get some relief? Is this level of pain normal?
A flaming red incision doesn't sound normal. I just took my steri strips off today and none of them are that red. Think we have the same surgery date. I'm curious if you had a drain while in the hospital. I did and that sucker was full every day. They would have sent me home with it if I didn't live six hours away. And my belly button incision is above it, not below. But everyone is different. I bet you will start feeling much better after your appointment tomorrow. I'm taking 15 ml of Lortab about 2 times per day - once right before I shower (knowing I'll be sore after) and once before bed (with a Benadryl) to help me sleep. I say you take it easy, take your pain medicine and just rest. No need to push yourself. Let us know what the surgeon says tomorrow!
There was another poster on the other site, who somewhere in the past two weeks, had the same problem with Dr.K (certainly nothing against the surgeon, just a coincidence). I believe he drained it for her and she was shocked at how much "fluid" came out. She did get relief though! Glad to see you have an appt.
This morning he drained the incision and so much foul smelling fluid came gushing out. I can't tell you how much better I feel already. Thank goodness, I am ready for some happier days!!!! I'll be on anti-biotics for over a week and he wants me back on Monday for a recheck. I knew my pain level was excessive I'm so glad I found the reason why!