I know this is off topic of weightloss surgery but wanted to give a little warning here. Today I received a phone call from Best Buy asking me if I had made a purchase from them within the past 24 hours. I said "no". They then informed me that someone had made purchase at 2 AM in the morning using my debit card information for $750 and had it shipped to their address. The scarey part is that I still have the card in my possession. Somehow someone managed to get my information from my card without me losing it. The fraud hotline told me that there are devices out there that can scan your information from inside your pocket, they can get it from gas stations, they can get it from looking over your shoulder or copy it when you use it at a restaurant or fast food place. Please be careful how you use your card and protect yourself.
I bought every person on my X-mas list one of the metal wallets for their cards and ID.
Also, don't use a debit card for anything that you swipe. Use a credit card. If someone uses it, you are not responsible for the loss. If someone uses your debit card - the money is gone and the banks can give you a really hard time about putting that money back into your account.
I have a debit card I use for Costco. It is linked to it's own account and has 300 dollars available at any given time. I don't carry it with me - I use it at Costco because Costco won't take credit cards. But if they get the info and use it, they are not going to get much off of it.