Here We Go Again!!
Well crud - it's gonna be one of those days. I posted this on the wrong board!!!
So, after surgery, I got an infection inside my belly incision and they had to cut a whole to drain it. So I had two holes (or, as I like to say it, 3 belly buttons). It took months for them to heal - 6 months to be exact. And I was sooo excited when I finally didn't have to pack either of the holes any more. It got tiresome really quick. Lo and behold, I was having pain around my second incision - and I thought maybe it was because of the hernia I have, but it's hot and red again, and super hard. So, I'm off to the doctor again this afternoon, and I'm 99% sure they are going to have to cut into it again to let the infection drain. While I know it has to be done, I am sooo not looking forward to having to deal with another owie that's going to take months to heal. And it means I can't go into the pool for water aerobics for some time again. I'm frustrated, because that's the best form of exercise for me right now. Sighhhhhhhhhhh!!!