Does the pain and discomfort get any better soon?
If you are finding that you arent getting relief from a particular medication, that is a different story.
It should start getting better. I started to decrease my pain meds a week out and was able to discontinue at the two to three week mark. I'm concerned that the pain meds aren't helping more than that. I would check with the surgeons office. maybe they can put you on something different. Make sure you keep to the schedule. First week is the hardest. Get well soon!
There is no reason for you to be in pain. If the meds you have aren't working then you need to call your surgeon's office back so they can give you something else or adjust dosage. I know we are all different but I saw a big difference after day 5. Then I felt great as long as I didn't eat which I had to force myself to do. Even one bite of scrambles egg was overwhelming at first but I felt better once I got over the fear of eating post op.
Hang in there. You will turn the corner soon and sip, sip, sip your water.
Thank you everyone. I haven't even been able to get to the computer to reply. I was never on a pain pump, I'm only on a narcotic and I take it faithfully every four hours. I go see the Dr this morning because they think I might have a bleed behind one of my incisions. Hopefully they can get the pain under control a little better for me. I would really like to start feeling a little better. I don't eat anything just pure liquid diet right now. I have a lot of gas as well. I walk all the time and take gas-x for it.