It is summer, and all the blockbuster/mindless trash is spouting from Hollywood. There are a few films I want to see, however I am trying to figure out how to deal with the movies. I am just under 5 weeks out, and going to the movies used to be an all out calorie fest of candy, popcorn and soda. Now that I cannot have any of that, I am afraid to set foot in the theater. The aroma of popcorn alone puts me in a coma. I mean I know I can pack my Babybel cheese and water, but somehow feel like I will not get the full enjoyment of the movie experience. Any suggestions, or should I just wait until it comes out on DVD?
I haven't had surgery yet, but I feel your pain. Part of the movie experience for me is getting popcorn. I could live without the soda and candy, but the popcorn is a must. LOL. I wonder how far out (if ever) the others have been able to eat popcorn?
I 'm looking forward to what the others have to say.
I went to the movies at about 4 weeks post op, and it was tough. What smells better than movie popcorn????? I dealt with it, and hubby was kind enough not to indulge. (Not a foodie). However, I saw someone on this board who said she ate buttered popcorn at 4 weeks and had no issues at all! I was told to still avoid nuts and seeds, and figured the kernels fit that category.
I've taken in my snacks to a movie for a long time before surgery. I take really good, aged cheese. Some cashews (cause I can eat my weight in cashews), jerkey, and if feel hungry - a bacon, tomato, mayo wrapped in a Flatout that I take in with me. Don't head to the movies hungry.
I will get a SF soda to have with my snacks, but most of the time I use bottled water from home.
So YOU"RE the one...haha jk. I couldn't remember who it was. I was just so surprised bc I was told no nuts or seeds, and feared the kernels.
It really is surprising to read these boards and see what works for some people and not others. I am 6 weeks post op at this point and have just adopted a "trial and error" mentality. The bathroom issues are my primary concern...I have been back to work, but just for one abbreviated day, but my first 10 hour shift is coming up. I have decided I will eat very clean the day before and stick to yogurt and shakes.
Still looking forward to that buttered popcorn, though!