Vsg to ds
Should I be concerned the reason he said he wouldn't do it is because it's more dangerous. I don't want to fail again what are ur thoughts.
Did he do study and look at your stomach? My surgeon did, just to be sure the sleeved stomach still had the proper shape, with no strictures. He offered to "resleeve" me, because my stomach is a little larger than he expected, but since I only need to lose about 70 lbs this time, I declined for now. I'd hate to have to have another surgery, but I will if I have to.
Because you are so heavy again, doing the full DS surgery is certainly more risky. Redoing a sleeve is more involved than the first time, because of scar tissue, etc. I also wonder about your health. Is there something in your health history that makes him hesitant to do a longer, more complex surgery?
How long is he planning to make your common channel? Is he using the Hess method to decide how long to make each intestinal limb?
If I were you, and I had "no" restriction, as you say, I would probably want to do the whole deal, my concern being that at nearly 400 lbs, you have a lot to lose. That said, considering all of the other info, like co-morbidities, etc, maybe your surgeon has a good reason?
Those are my thoughts....
resleeving is a potential complication waiting to happen, hence why most surgeons dont want to re sleeve. your surgeon is correct, it is dangerous, and only very few cir****tances should that occur. leaks in resleeves are much much higher and much more difficult to treat, that question is not easy to answer, I would only trust maybe 3 surgeons to re sleeve me... tighter and shorter is not always better. you won't fail with the ds (i only know one person) most of the issues with ds and not getting to goal/regain is actually due to carb consumption and not volume, generally the shorter the common channel the more malabsorption, the more potential nutritional deficiencies, only you can answer these questions. good luck to you....