stuck stuck stuckkk!
Started off this journey on 1/24/13 at 240 lbs. I am now down to 171 and the scale is just not moving....this has been around 3 weeks now. Do you all think this is just a plateau or is this the weight my body wants to be at? Just a little discouraged but not disappointed....I feel and look better and I know i would still be 240+ without my ds!
It's just a stall. I had my first stall 2 months out, and it lasted for about 6 weeks.
It picks back up. Maybe not as fast as it was though. I lost 50 lbs in 2 months. It's been around 2 lbs a week since that stall. I still eat as much as I want, so it's a free 2 lbs a week. Not like I'm working at it.
Just keep on eating cleanly and it will start down again. You body just needs to take a break for a bit.
Have patience. We all have these times when the weight stops falling off. I had a period of 4 or 5 weeks that nothing was happening (or so it seemed), and then it all started dropping off again. Remember, your body is making changes, and it needs to adjust as well. Just keep up on your vitamins, and it will continue coming off. Nothing wrong with slower weight loss.
I see you had Dunshee do your surgery. Berntsen did mine almost 2 years ago.
I feel your pain!!! I am in the same boat! I have been between the 163 to 164 mark now for about 3 weeks & it is getting old pretty quick! Like you I am not disappointed, just a little discouraged. I track everything I eat, calories, fats, carbs, proteins, etc... so I have been trying to go back & see what I had done differently in the weeks I lost the most, but it has been about the same way I am still maybe I just have to keep on keeping on....and the scale will move when it wants to. I know I have not done a whole bunch to incorporate I spoke to my DH this morning & told him to make sure I get up in the morning so I can start jumping around the living room. I hit the 'snooze' button way too many times!!!
I do not think your body has settled at that weight...I know this is all part of the process. It will start coming off again! I believe that for you because I have to believe that for myself. Also, I have read & re-read so many posts that indicate the same sort of 'step' pattern to our weight loss. BTW, you are going GREAT....69 lbs in less than 5 months. You should be really proud of yourself!