DS on 12/15/12
I have a sleeve and have heard that the configuration of the stomach with the DS, which is a sleeve, is what causes acid reflux. I've had it since about six months post op. I take a daily prescription to address it. If I forget my lil pill I can tell a huge difference. Now I keep spares in my purse.
Its pretty common to go thru a period of reflux after surgery and most people get a prescription for it. In most cases, it goes away. There was a thread on this within the last couple of months either here or on the other site. From what I recall, some who had it before DS, had it after surgery....and for some it went away. Some who didn't have it, developed it after surgery and it didn't go away. But for the majority of people, it is a short term thing. It's one of those YMMV things. For a more detailed answer, do a search and find the thread.
DS on 02/05/13
Your surgeon should have sent you home with a script... I was very ill because I wasn't taking it because I didn't have heartburn... Then all of a sudden I could not stop throwing up acid. I ended up back in the hospital for a week.. I started taking omeprozale and zantac twice a day. Hopefully it goes away soon!