5 days out, what should I be consuming?
Hi, I am 5 days out, and am wondering if i am on the right track. I have been drinking sugar free kool aid only til today when I had a 30 gram protein shake. Oh and a glass of milk last night. I just wanted to know if I need more calories, and when I can come off fluids only.
My surgeon DID send me a guide for this before the surgery, I thought I downloaded it but I cannot find where it is. It is not their fault.
I have some clear broth, I know I can eat that but it is not appetizing right now. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I could safely eat at this point? Thanks so much in advance.
If you tell us who your surgeon is maybe his other patients will see this and let you know his diet progression. There are HUGE differences between surgeons and most people aren't going to tell you to stray from that plan.
But at 5 days it was a full time job to get enough fluids in and if I got 15 grams of protein it was a good day. I stayed far far away from sugar and carbs (milk) and stuck to clear fluids that had some protein in it if possible.
My surgeon is Dr. Michel Gagner from Montreal.
So you stuck to clear fluids, I guess it is a matter of tolerance, I tolerated the milk and protein shake fine. But I will keep that to a minimum. And keep up with the hydration. Maybe I can try some soup like Gardennay or something, it is not chunky, worst that can happen is I barf or something. Thanks a lot!
What I really want is some yogurt, pudding or a mushed banana. Too afraid to try that though.
I was on clear liquids for a full week, then full liquids after that for two more weeks before going to soft foods. I would say just worry about hydration at this point - DO NOT pu**** "Just throwing up" is not a good option for you at this point; your insides are too tender after the surgery, you don't want to stress them. Water, sugar free fruit drinks, sugar free popsicles, clear broth; diluted fruit juice. Just get those fluids in. You can worry about protein and adding some strained cream soups in a few days.