on 4/26/13 1:33 am

My dear husband came home after work yesterday and as we were talking he mentioned that he was exhausted. Since he gets up at 4:30 to commute to Seattle I just said "well, I know you have a long commute." he said no, I was up all night because I couldn't sleep. So I pushed a little to find out why. He had to confess to me that I had kept him up all night. I was passing gas and it was so bad he had to leave the room. He said he had never smelt anything so bad and it just seemed to follow him thru out the house. He said he even tried blaming the dogs but knew it was me. He ended up sleeping in the guest room. Who knew? Not me! I was dead to the world.

I have a trip coming up in June with my sisters and mom- we are heading to Oregon and we are going to be in tight quarters for 5 days. I am in panic mode here. Then the end of June we are heading up to Alaska with a bunch of friends- again, a week on the road and we will be in some tight quarters once again.I'm not going to have any family or friends who will ever want to spend time with me again if I don't get a grip on the situation. I know I can take spray but not sure that will be enough!

I am hoping this is an isolated issue- when I had my CAT Scan they made me drink this awful stuff then they also injected me with "stuff" and I noticed I had gas really bad from it SO I am hoping that most of the horrible smell came from that. I know nothing smells pretty about this surgery but this was down right raunchy .Does anyone know if this could be a contributing factor to the horrible gas smell? This is the first time it has been this bad for me. Or is my body kicking into high gear here for things to come?



on 4/26/13 1:47 am
DS on 12/19/12

Wow, you are passing gas in the night and not even aware of it.  Are you eating carbs?  Sugar?  What is your diet like?

I get gas like this, where I can clear the room of dogs and cats.  And it is heavier than oxygen, it travels through the house seeking out life to snuff out, and it fights with any sprays I use.  I don't get this unless my diet is off.  If I eat carbs, I can melt the Ozone layer all by myself.


on 4/26/13 10:19 am

HaHa- I LOVE it! That's  exactly what it felt like around here several times. My husband said it felt like the odor was following him around the house. I'm sure my diet was off. When I have to go to the Drs I usually try to grab something I can eat like chili  but sometimes things just sneak in there. Its hard to be good sometimes- especially when I still can't do the solid proteins very well!

Thanks for sharing!



on 4/26/13 2:27 am - Walker, LA
DS on 10/11/12

Poor thing...  I did the same thing to my husband the other night...  LMAO!!  I call it retribution for all the years I had to put up with his stinky butt.

I'd be evaluating your diet...  Gluten is the main contributor of my noxious gas.  Everything I consume must be gluten free.  Even check the labels on your vitamins.  Some companies use Gluten as a filler.  Gluten is found in MANY things that you wouldn't expect...  Even Slim Jim beef jerky sticks has gluten in them!!!  CRAZINESS!

Another gas contributor is carbs/sugar. Keep an eye out for those too.

I keep a can of Ozium by the bed.  When I let one slip, I'll spray a quick squirt under the covers so I don't freak my husband out.  But when I'm asleep and it just comes out...  He's just gonna have to deal!!!  LOL!  But I definitely do what I can to make sure Gluten does not find its way into my diet.

Sleeved 6/2007 - Switched 10/2012 


on 4/26/13 10:12 am

I like the word retribution- I have put up with the same thing for years. I try to stay gluten free as i am sensitive to gluten but I am not perfect at it by any means so it very well could be the gluten or excess carbs. I try to do protein first but once in awhile things sneak in there. usually I am not that bad. I still think a lot had to do with what they made me drink along with everything else I had to eat that day- which was too many carbs!

Where did you find the  Ozium? I have citrus but that might be a bit much!




on 4/26/13 3:10 am

Sharon you are hilarious.

on 4/26/13 10:12 am



Vicki PNW
on 4/26/13 4:15 am

I have been taking acidophilius with psyllium (probiotics) every morning since I came home from the hospital five years ago.  If I am going to be around other people in the late afternoon or evening, I take another one.  I have not had any complaint from anybody.


DS (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney. Cholecystectomy (lap) with Dr. Clifford Deveney 19 months post-op.

Has not weighed myself since 1/2010.  Letting my clothes gauge my progress instead.

on 4/26/13 10:07 am

Thanks- good information. I just need to get back on track!


on 4/26/13 5:14 am

Is this an isolated incident?  If you are finding your gas/BMs are worse than normal, it could be a build up of bad bacteria in your guts.  A round of Flagyl will help and then follow up with a good probiotic.  I have a problem with probiotics and use Flagyl in a maintenance mode.  1 every 2 weeks or so, or for 5-6 days before traveling with anyone.  I did a cruise in Sept with my mom and sis and we were fine.  I did take my spray - from Walgreens vanilla, don't remember the brand, but they have bubble gum, cool ocean mist... I like the vanilla best.  Lori found it and liked the bubble gum.  While you are asleep, it's tough.  Watch your carbs/sugar/gluten...  go as much protein as you can with others.

HW/225 - 5'1" ~ SW/205/after surgery 215 ~ CW/145~ BMI-25.8~Normal BMI 132 ~DS Dr Rabkin 4/17/08
Plastics in Monterrey - See Group on OH Dr Sauceda Jan 13, 2011
LBL, BL, small thigh lift, arms & a full facelift on 1/17/11
UBL 1/21/13
Love my Body by Sauceda

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