hairloss prevention?
I know the dreaded day is coming when I will more than likely lose a lot of my hair as I originally lost a lot when I had the RNY. I have had 2 big surgeries in last few months- one for breast cancer in Dec and my revision surgery in March so I know its coming. Are there any helps or ideas out there that will maybe help slow it down or maybe keep it from being so bad? I am totally open to ideas!
And yes, I am looking at getting a wig or 2 for back-up!
I started taking Biotin about 3 months ago and my hair quit falling out. I don't know if it's because all my dead hair had just fallen out by then and it had run it's course, or if the Biotin helped.
But my hair is growing back in double, my nails are much better, and it can't hurt me. My hair was falling out in handfuls every day. After 2 months it stopped. It usually continues 4-6 months.
I also get more than enough protein every day. That needs to be the foundation of retaining your hair. If you don't get the protein in, you will lose a lot of hair for sure.
The best prevention is getting all your protein. That's the only thing my NUT agreed that has any proven studies that affect hair growth.
That being said, I had super, super thin hair before surgery, and I didn't want to take a lot of chances. I did biotin, B-12, a super B complex, Inositol, and gelatin. Even though it was a lot of pills to take, it was cheaper than buying those special hair and nail supplements. Gelatin doesn't grow hair, but helps keep what you have stronger. Oh, and I did minoxidil ( has DS Labs that is cheap).
My hair got thicker. I've since cut back on the all the B vits as my labs are off the charts, but since they're water soluble, neither I or my NUT is too concerned.
I've been getting it all from or Walmart. has the inositol already in a capsule, whereas lots of other places just have powder that you either have to add to a liquid or make your own caps, and I'm too lazy for that.
Really - nothing will help, so don't waste your money.
To understand what is happening, read up on Telogen Effluvium. In a nutshell, your hair growth cycle reboots, with new healthy hair pushing out the old hair, thus the shedding effect. The additional vitamins and protein will benefit the new growth underneath, but do nothing for the hair being pushed out.
If you're going to do something, it's time for a makeover with some cute layers to blend in the new growth that will be emerging very soon.
DS 2005
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next to the mashed potatoes