I hurt all over :( this weight is killing me
as i am getting older my body is failing my feet are the worst they hurt so bad i cant walk a lot and my other joints are feeling the strain too...im looking for motovation ..what hurt u before the weight loss and what has be resolved im hoping this surgery will make feel better i have always been heavy 176 at 8yrs old...313 ar 13 yrs old .... my highest weight was 381 my current weight is 357 i cant wait to be thinner and feel better i havent ever been able to cross my legs, or crouch on my knees, or get up from the floor or tub without a tremendous effort i want to hear all the good things :)
I feel your pain. I started my WLS journey at 476, now down to 360 so far (5-1/2 months out). My heighest weight was 531. I lost 130 pounds on Weigh****chers, but then got complacent and got myself back up to 476. I still have a long way to go, but there are huge improvements. Prior to surgery, I couldn't go grocery shopping. My boyfriend had to do it all. Wasn't because I didn't want to, but I physically couldn't. I hurt way too much - legs, knees, feet, back! Today, I go to the grocery store at least a couple times a week, and I can accompany on grocery trips. Just walking from the parking garage in to my desk at work each day was a huge chore. Now, I do it with ease. I used to sit at my desk and never move - and I'd put off going to the bathroom as long as I could because it was a long haul. Now, they are lucky to even find me at my desk, LOL. I feel better about myself, more confident, wanting to participate in more things. At 360 pounds, I'm still not crossing my legs or getting in/out of a bathtub, or crawling around on the floor, but the difference in what I can comfortably do is remarkable. And it will only get better. Heck, I was able to put the seatbelt on in the car the other day and not have to listen to the incessant dinging. And my big fat belly doesn't sit so far into my lap anymore. There is so much to be grateful for. And when I get frustrated because I can't eat something (either because I don't have the capacity or it's something I shouldn't have) or when I'm having a poo issue, or a tummy upset issue, I remember all these remarkable gifts I gave myself because I chose the DS and I had an awesome surgeon.
So how's that for motivation :)
350lbs here...awaiting surgery next Wednesday on the 17th. I have Degenerative disc disease. Three pressure fractures (healed and broke and healed) in my spine. I have no cushion between any of my lower vertebrae so I feel my vertebrae rubbing on each other when I walk. I can hear them grind. It pinches nerves and makes my right leg go dead after I walk for to long...which usually means just a short distance. I have two knees that also have no cartilage left in them. I need both knees replaced and my spine worked on. It is extremely painful all day non-stop. These are all old injuries from my rodeo days but the weight I have gained over the years has put such a strain on my joints that more damage is being done than there should be if I were lighter. I am suppose to be in a wheel chair soon according to my doctor but I refuse. I just handle the pain and go to wor****il I fall down and cannot get back up I will keep going. Sometime I literally cannot get back up. By the time I get home just walking to the kitchen usually makes me nauseated. I have a really high pain tolerance from living like this so instead of crying I get sick to my stomach and sweat when the pain becomes unbearable. I do not take pain meds at all because I never know when I will have to drive. Aleve every now and then that is all.
For me this surgery is to keep me out of a wheel chair for another ten to 15 years I hope. I could care less about the SKIN or if I am beautiful. I just want to move, sit, sleep without constant horrible pain.
I feel your pain. I pray for you to have much needed relief as well.
I have not taken a bath in three years. Showers only. I cannot wait to take a bath again...get down on the floor, climb a tree, etc.
I was a relative light weight with a high weight of 262 at 5'8" but I had chronic pain. I had many MRIs, lots of drugs, Physical Therapy. It was all due to the weight stressing my joints. And I barely did anything because it always hurt.
Now? I do more in one hour than I could do in a month. The DS took YEARS off of me. No more pain, or drugs for pain.
It is really amazing the difference.