One week today...revision completed...what the hell did I do!?!
on 4/4/13 9:55 am
Hi Lee,
I am just a week ahead of you. I didn't really have buyers remorse but I did have those feelings of "what the heck did I just do????"
I found if I push myself just a little bit more each day it gets me closer to feeling better and to healing. I made myself get up and walk around even tho it was exhausting. I had terrible pain in my back and left side so I made sure I took those drugs just like they said. I don't use them much anymore. I also put heat packs on the pain which helped tremendously . Every 4 hours the nurses would bring me a heat pak. They said some of the pain was caused from gas and that heat would help it to clear up faster..
I had my staples out yesterday and was down 15lbs. He told me I could try soft foods which I did and promptly threw it back up. Doing better today tho- just ate an egg. I still have a funky taste in my mouth which makes my food taste different. After my little outing yesterday to get my staples out I was a little tired and over done. I slept all day today( hopefully I can sleep tonight!!!) The pain is a lot less, I am keeping my food down today for the most part, even my
BMs are getting better!(TMI, huh!)
I hope you start feeling better soon. I think the first 2 weeks are the toughest. Just hang in there and know that all will be well in about 4 weeks.
Take care
on 4/4/13 3:12 pm
Thanks for the advice. I just finished walking and I will try the heating pad for the gas and pain. I appreciate your feedback and sharing your experiences. Right now there is NO such thing as TMI...I want to know everything, the good, the bad, and the crappy.
I have a feeding tube and I will have it for 6 weeks. It's hard because I am supposed to have it running all day but I just can't. I'm getting about 60% of what I'm supposed to cause I just can't stand the smell and even though it is going straight into my intestines I can taste it. It makes me feel yucky. I am going to try and up it each day until I get to 100% of what they want me to get in. I can eat things too (Popsicles, broth, crackers, apples sauce). Although I can barely mustard 90 calories from those things in a day. I'm keeping hydrated with the assistance of the feeding tube (1500ml) per day. It's just hard to do the calories (1500 cals). I'm doing more like 850 cals.
on 4/6/13 11:26 am
HI Valerie
I think my pain is just from he severity and complexity of the surgery. I am learning to overlap and not let my pain meds bottom out before taking more. It is getting easier to manage, but I have to admit I missed a time last night and woke up super early this morning screaming in pain. I should have woke my wife up and told her I needed my pain injection, but she was finally getting some sleep and I didn't want to wake her. Won't be doing that again.
One week post part two f DS ahd VSG 11/2010. OMG the PPAAIINNN!!! I stayed in the hospital till saturday, got post op pneumonia. My or took 4+ hts. I wa full of adhesions from pre hysterectomy I had in 2001. I can tell the abd cavity is more "released" good and bad the increased movemnt is painful due to the DS but is slowly diminishing. Morphine hourly in the hosp and liquid percocet at home, knocks me out and stillhaving wake up. Everything tastes like metal / gravelven water. Tol minimal protein, some vits but getting fluids in. Explosive gas and BMs in hosp and now at home. That hurts as well. Still having back shoulder pain fro the pneumonia sn now yeast infection from the ABX. Bld pressur down to 99/55, had low platelets inthe hospital, hi BUM and Crat today is first post op visits . Buyers remorse kinda. This is how my head works, Did I really have a DS??? Inow I am in pain. have 8 scares on my belly, cannnot eat, poop or stand uupright. But did the MD really do OR?? I am a train wreck?? Maja in St Louis, MO