Things stink....from both ends!~
Okay, I know I am only 2 months out, but my hubby is really complaining. Between the bad breath and the stinky gas/bowels, he is a bit turned off. Of course you would think the great success I am having would be worth it, but the smells really bother him. I have the "poo-pourri" for the bathroom which helps, but the gas and breath are both horrible! I have tried acidophilus for the breath, but it isn't helping yet. Others have said it is from Ketosis, and the sudden weight loss, but I would really like to have a solution besides "time". So, any suggestions?
Check on a low carb web site. Do a search under bad breathe and see what has worked for others. I have seen all kinds of ideas.
I've chewed gum, eaten parsley or chewed on mint leaves. SF jolly ranchers helped also, but now I can't handle the SF part any more.
What are your gas triggers? Are you eating carbs? Sugar alcohols? I don't have gas when I eat cleanly - and i'm 2 months out also.
well, i sure can relate. not so much on the breath but def the gas and bm's. i swear by scentsy spray which you can get on ebay or amazon. they really are a high quality odor eater.
ive been married 34 hubby complains but it takes time to adjust. he is much happier with me as a size 4 than a 24!
i have tried devrom and it did nothing. try writing down what you are eating to see if there are any gas triggers?
someone once told me chorophyll (i dont know how to spell it) but you can get it at the health food store.
i hate that time word as well. let me know how you are doing. good luck....keep your eye on the big picture :)
Ketosis gives you bad breath. Before the DS, I went on a diet that purportedly worked by putting your body into ketosis, it did, and I had bad breath. Optifast does the same thing, at least it did for me.
Try adding a few more fruits and vegetables to your diet. These are considered complex carbs, and while it should not stop your weight loss, it may slow it down, and get rid of the bad breath. Also try Devrom. Parthenon makes it. Just google Devrom, and that should give you the website. Also, try eating parsley. It's a great natural deodorizer.
Ask your surgeon/PCP if using Creon would help. It is a digestive enzyme, usually used for folks who seem to be super-malabsorptive. It may make the weight loss stop, and if it does, you can discontinue it with no ill effects, other than going back to square one.
Also, when I was newly switched, it seemed like I was tasting my own guts, I'm guessing it was due to the healing process, but it wasn't so bothersome that I felt a need to bring it up to my surgeon.
Most bad breath has an internal source, especially when it involves the GI tract, so an internal solution is the first thing to try. Other than that, I would say see your dentist, as there may be a dental issue that's the cause.
Was your hubby also complaining about the extra weight? IMHO it seems he's a hard one to please. As I always tell my sister, who always complained about my extra weight, and is now finding reasons to complain about my DS..."There's a price for everything." When she starts in, I always say "Would you rather have me fat , unhealthy and unattractive again?" That usually shuts her right up.
And it DOES get better! At a year and a half out, I eat yogurt daily and the smell is no big deal.
Thank you guys for your feedback. I agree Patty, I really don't want to do anything that might slow or halt the weight loss. My hubby can be a bit hard to please, but most of us women agree that we want to be attractive to our men! He never complained about my weight, but I know it bothered him. I am sure he would really rather have the smells than the flab, but I would still like to find something to help!