another bathroom question
I am 2 months out. I eat cleanly, get 100gms of protein per day, and try to get better on my vits. I am trying to balance the swings of diarrhea (too much fat) with constipation (meat and calcium) day by day. I am getting much better at this.
I've noticed that a good day pretty much cleans out my colon. I used to do that before the DS. I've always been regular, twice a day person before the DS.
After the DS, my back side (the part that goes over the fence last) hurts and I don't know why. The colon or sphincter hurts for 2 hours after a BM. Some days I only go once. Many days I go 3 times. And I have this ache for 2-3 hours afterwards. At times, the muscles in there flutter (which hurts).
This is distracting from the serious thinking going on at the other end!
Why is this happening, and what can I do to stop it? Will this eventually go away over time?
Also ask your doctor about a stool softener. It doesn't cause you to go/doesn't cause diarrhea, but it just makes it easier to go so you don't have to strain/push. Obviously if you have hemorrhoids or fissure, you don't want to strain. Something like Colace would solve that.
The calcium can cause just the opposite problem. I would add it gradually with a good diet (high protein, low carb) and see how your body reacts.
Honestly, I had up and down bowels for the first 9 months. If I tried something new (pizza, popcorn, even ckn noodle soup), my body reacted to it! And then things seemed to start to settle down on their own. Adding Champion protein powder at three months was one of the worse experiences I had.
I was sore for a few days after diarrhea. Its a really unstable, learn-as-you-go time this early out. It gets way better. Keep going back to the basics. And I wouldnt eat too much fat if you have any diarrhea. That will just make matters worse. If you are using protein powders, you might want to eliminate them and slowly add them back to see if that could be causing you problems.
I do test all my protein powders for reactions, and I tolerate them well. I did not do well on Champion either - or Nectar.
I've had this sphincter spasm thing ever since surgery. Doesn't matter if it's hard stool, or diarrhea. It's more pronounced with hard stool (if I strain), but it happens every day regardless of what is being excreted. It just hurts to go every day (which sucks).
I think it's the muscles themselves that are messed up. My sphincter needs a Vicodin.
I researched this on line, and all I got was “sit in warm water, take a hot bath” – I cannot do this every morning.
Your comment that it will level out gives me hope. Right now bathroom issues take up a much larger portion of my focus than I would like.