Anyone else suffering from bad headaches?
After I wrote to you last night. It hit me. Duh, it could be hormonal for you. Not sure where you are in your journey. Loosing weight is suppose to release estrogen from the fat cells.
Here a post I found for you: t/
Maybe you should make a trip to you gyno and have your hormone levels tested. Maybe some progesterone would balance things out. I remember there was someone here who once posted that she had success with those progesteron creams they sell in health food stores. Just thought I'd mention it cause I know with the pain your feeling you probably are ready to try anything
I am no expert at migraines per say, but I have suffered for years from headaches and was put on imitrex for a while years and years ago.
How is your hydration? I generally start to get a headache if I don't drink enough water.
I also get headaches that migrate from neck and shoulder tension or muscle tightness. At a little over a year out, I had some headaches about a month ago. I ended up in PT for a tight muscle in my shoulder, though I likely have/had a pinched nerve in my neck. Losing so much weight so fast, puts a strain on our posture and generally the way we carry ourselves. My muscles simply weren't strong, caused a lot of tightness, which in turn caused problems with headaches.
When I went to the dr years ago for my headaches, my PCP shared some literature about headaches being classified into three areas: migraines, tension or cluster. I was also ordered off all caffeine, as caffeine withdrawal can cause headahes, and most pain relievers have caffeine.
I'm not sure if someone suffering from migraines can have headaches caused by other factors as well, but these are just a few things that I have dealt with that may be of some help to you. I hope you get relief soon!