nausea/sick throwing up when I need to have a bowel movement
Thanks Gail appreciate your input! I am going to call the office tomorrow. Wish my surgeon was easy to talk too:(
I have had this twice.
The first time I was feeling like I was going to throw up but realized I had some stomach cramping. So I held back the puke (I hate puking, will do anything not to puke) and decided to see if I need to poop. Low and behold when I pooped the puke feeling went away. Weird.
Months and months later. Almost a year out.
I lay down and instantly get sick. I sit up and run to the bathroom and do everything not to puke. I feel better then go back to bed, same thing, I feel like I am going to puke. I run to the bathroom. I am thinking WTF! So since obviously I am not sleeping I would stay up. My gut feeling said, go poo. So I sat down and waited and had a bowel movement and some gas. Waited awhile went to bed and no more puke feeling.
I don't' know if what I had is what you had but... this is my experience. By all means don't take my word for a doctors, if you are unsure call the doc.
I had similar experiences early on. I am guessing that by four months everything was fine. It didn't happen every day, but over time I figured there were certain things that just didn't work for me.
Artificial sweeteners, milk, protein powders: I tried them at different times early out and had horrible bathroom experiences. I would shake and sweat and my heart would beat wildly as I tried to go to the bathroom. Someone called it a "vagus" reaction. You can search DS and vagus or just google vagus. In the end, I think it was attributable to what I was eating and the effect it had on my bowels.
Remember that calcium has a big impact on your bowels as well. Even at over a year out, if I don't take my calcium for a day, I pay for it the next in the form of loose stools. That kind of extreme effect could also really mess with you so early out.
Thanks for posting this. I had it again this week. I am wondering if it is what I am eating. I only had soup and protein drinks today. It really needs to stop.