nausea/sick throwing up when I need to have a bowel movement
This happens 3-4 times a week. I get a slight stomach ache and need to bm right away and then I get very nauseaous. Sometimes I throw up. Only happens in the morning.
anyone else? I never know when it is going to happen and I cannot pinpoint what is causing it. Makes getting three kids off to school in the morning very rough!
Edited to add. I will be eight weeks out tomorrow and this has been happening since week 3
This is something for you to ask your surgeon. Let us know what they say. Praying for you.
My surgeon and I are having communication problems, I dont feel comfortable speaking with him anymore:( Most of the time for follow ups I see the Physician Assistant (she is great) because the surgeon is usually not available for appointments.
I brought it up to her and she said she never heard of it before and would run it by the surgeon and see what he says. I have not heard back that was last Tuesday. I want to call and ask again but the Dr. always makes me feel like I ask to many questions etc....
So.. thought I would post here and see if anyone else has this issue. I do plan to call the office again though.
ugh... I really hope not. I JUST started feeling better from my open surgery literally one day ago and incision finally closed up today. I was just getting my mojo back lol.
She did not seem to concerned about it last week. But it is hard spending 20-30 min in the bathroom trying not to throw up when I have three little ones that need me:(
My Dr. made me cry the last time I spoke with him over the phone when I was concerned about my incision opening up in a new spot at 6 weeks out! He basically told me there are so many other issues I could of had like a leak and he made me feel like I was bugging him!
edited to add... I am not straining at all. Not constipated whatsoever.
This happened to me too. For me it was worse than you feel feel right before you have diarrhea as a normie. It went away over time. I do still get this feeling once or twice a year though. My best guess is it happens when poop moves through the intestine quickly.
There are quite a few DSers who do schedule themselves a half hour or so of uninterrupted time right after they get up in the morning to take care of 'things'.
I am sorry you have it too... but very happy to hear I am not the only one.
You described it the same way. I have a 11 month old, three and eight year old with all different needs in the morning. Different schools...diaper changing etc. I am having a difficult time managing this.
Cannot wait until summer break!
I can imagine how difficult this must be for you. I had this problem for a while, though never bad enough to throw up. It felt like my digestion had sped up and the spasms were causing the nausea. It is critical to watch what you are eating that might go through too fast and irritate your system. You should report this complication to the surgeons office, especially if you're vomiting. For me, the problem subsided the further out I was and my system healed and adjusted. Hopefully this happens quickly for you and probably will go away since you feel so much better otherwise.
Thanks Gail! I hope it resolves quickly too. Nothing like being on the toilet trying to decide if I should throw up or the latter while I have a screaming one year old and kiddos that need me to drive them to two different schools.
Do you remember how many weeks/months you had this? I am almost at two months.
Like I said, it was never bad enough for me to vomit and if it had been for any length of time, I would have called the surgeons office. Thankfully my surgeon is wonderfully supportive as well as his staff. After a few months, it was very seldom that I felt nauseous when going to the bathroom. At three and a half years out, it hasn't happened for a year or so. I remember that it happened when my digestive system seemed to be in overdrive and I haven't had the problem for a couple of years. Good luck, I know having three young ones at home is hard and can't imagine managing it with a new DS. I waited until my kids were grown, but wish I could have had it earlier -it just wasn't available to me. It would have been great to have been a healthier mom. You will eventually feel lucky that you have better health for the difficult job of raising your children.