During hospital stay
Very specific there. It all depends on your recovery. Usually want you up and walking as soon as possible like first day. They will perform test upon test upon test and your doctor will tell you what med's to continue or discontinue taking. I was off my Bp med's early. Didn't take anything else. My apnea has abated too.
Hope that helps. There was a lot more but I didn't comply so I will leave that to those who did comply to tell you about.
Hope that helps. There was a lot more but I didn't comply so I will leave that to those who did comply to tell you about.
DS on 01/23/13
For me, the rest of the post-op day is a wash. They had me on dilaudid, and a catheter, so there's not much walking. I was also kept in recovery for much longer than expected because I was dehydrated and not producing much urine. But they did get me up to do a lap around the room. At least in recovery you have to be accompanied while walking about (liability concerns, I'm sure). And then once you're up in your room, and after your leak test and you're able to finally drink something, they want you up and about as much as you're able.