dreamfields pasta
I've read posts from folks who checked their glucose levels after eating Dreamfields, and they reported the same reaction as with regular pasta. I've also read that if you refrigerate and re-heat it, the carbs are no longer 'protected', whatever that means. And my personal experience is that Dreamfields gives me far worse gas than regular pasta. In fact, fresh, made-at-home pasta doesn't give me gas at all.
I go by net carbs and I LOVE these! But I don't have a problem with any foods really. I have read that they are still *protected* carbs as long as you don't mix a red sauce with them and then refrigerate to reheat later. It is the acid in the sauce that will erode the *protection* that coats the pasta -- but regular refrigeration is supposed to be fine. I guess it's one of those things that you just have to decide for yourself.