Hair & vitamins?
Thought of 2 more questions. How many vitamins do you average a day? I read on another message that you take 50 to 70 vits a day for the rest of your life. This person was bashing gastric bypass & pro Lap band so Im not so sure she wasnt being sarcastic. Im a former bander & you dont even want to get me started on it. I know we have to take our share of vits for life, but is it that many?
Also, did you all lose a ton of hair? I lost quite a bit with the band & it still hasnt come back to its full thickness. I have started taking a super strength biotin daily hoping that will give my hair strength. I must say I am very nervous about the possibility of having a bald spot on the top of my head.
on 1/14/13 6:56 am
I take
Calcium Citrate
Magnesium Citrate
Vitamin A
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
Vitamin K1 and K2
Vitamin B's
and a few I can't think of right now. Most are pretty small capsuals so they go down all at once. I take certain ones 4 times a day. All together about 30 a day.
No big deal.
DS 2009
This is my current regimen:
Twice a day Vitality 6 Melaleuca
2 a day Tender Vitamin A 25000 IU Vitalady
1 a day Kirkland Docusate Sodium 100 mg Costco
2 a day Tender Vitamin D3 50K IU Vitalady
2 a day Dry Vitamin E 400 IU Puritans Pride
3x a week Vitamin K-1 10,000 mcg Vitacost
1 a day Chelated Zinc 50 mg Puritans Pride
2 a day Calcium Citrate with Vit D3 Puritans Pride
1 a day Docusate Sodium Costco
3 a day Prozac 20 mg Rx
1 a day Nature Bounty B 12 2500mg Costco
1 a day Source of Life Vitamin K2 Amazon
1 a day Ultra Biotin 7500 mcg Puritans Pride
1 a day Zinc 50 mg Puritans Pride
1 a day Wellbutrin 100mg Rx
1 a day Potassium 10 MEQ Rx
2 a day Coldwater Omega 3 Melaleuca
Wake Up Vitality 6
AM 2 Mela Coldwater Omega 3
1 A-25
1 D3-50
1 ****X a week)
1 E
Afternoon Potassium
1 A-25
2 Calcium Citrate
B 12
1 E
1 Biotin
Evening Vitality 6
Bedtime 1 A-25
1 K-2
1 Docusate Sodium
RNY to DS Revision 4/29/2011
Dr. Henry Buchwald
"Think twice.....Cut ONCE"
I lost half of my hair an then it started growing back like helmet hair an I had to cut it short. My hair changed thickness an is way straiter then it was before it feel out an grew back. Just part of the journey : )
I lost 200lb's an am 3 years out. I stopped taking all the vitamins after 1 year an only take iron. I get my vitamin panels done all the time an they are always perfect. I think or know it is because I eat lots of slow cooked meat, lots of raw fresh veggies an cheese's for snacks. My best weapon for protein is my slow cooker. My main food is slow cooked tacos with tons of veggies on them an I have a problem with white simple carbs so the shell is small an easy to handle. Plus, Im out side every day all day in the summer so don't have any problem with vitamin D. I think if you eat well, keep out side in the sun, an figure out your body you don't need any supplements @ least that is how it has been for me. But make shore you get your vitamin panels done to check your on the right plan for you.
I take about 14 pills per day. You should expect some hair loss from the telogen effluvium, however it should return because this condition is simply the restart of the hair growth cycle. Your hair never returning would lead me to suspect malnutrition. Have you had any labs done yet?
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
Just saw my dr for a check up last week, I've been losing hair. Lost 7lbs and joked that at least 3lbs of it was hair falling out of my head. My protein is good, it's just telogen effluvium like Valerie says . . . I've ben taking biotin hoping that it will help it come in healthy once it starts to come back in. My dr also recommended that I use minoxidyl as well because my hair was so baby fine before, it could use the help anyway. Not sure if I will or not, I also am dreading having a bald spot, and it's starting to show, my super honest little girl told me so just a few days ago.

Garden Fairy in training, according to my daughter