The Good and The BAD.... please help!
Good news is I have lost 14 lb..! I am so excited about that. I had my surgery this last Monday the 7th. So 14 lbs. is amazing. The bad news is I feel like I'm not getting the nourishment I need. I have that feel one gets when they having eaten for a while and your body starts to feel shaky and your get irritable. I am drinking tons of liquid and my full amount of protein but still feel really weak and just down right icky. Is this normal? and is it ok? Even more how do you get ready of the shaky feeling?
I am one month out, and it sounds like you are doing great really. At one week I could barely get in my fluids. I am not able to get my fluids, but barely get 30 grams of protein each day. I have found one thing that makes me feel better is to grab a bite or two of something at least every 2 hours. If I go longer than that I really feel sick, crampy and cranky! :)