The inner fight

on 1/9/13 12:22 pm - Saskatoon, Canada

I have not gotten on track, and I am trying to figure out why. I can't seem to make  a plan of how I really need to be eating, I feel like if I start and fail, then what, what if I can't lose weight. I like my shakes, and I should be having more then one a day and meat is ok but I can't get my head around meat and salad for lunch  and  then meat and veggies for supper. That is how I  think I should be eating. I have not gotten back to the gym this year either. I just can't make myself go, and as long as I tell myself I can't make myself go I will not go.  I am on meds for bipolar and I think they have alot to do with me not losing weight. So I don't know why I even want to try. Just feeling scared and frustrated with myself. Any ideas on what I can do ?? Thanks

on 1/9/13 12:29 pm - MI
Resign yourself to the idea of just doing it. I fully understand your feelings, been there myself and still go there from time to time. Something you did in the past worked though right so just recreate your past success.


on 1/9/13 2:13 pm

You know, I hate loathe and despise exercise.  And I've spent/wasted a lot of time hating it.  When I finally started making myself do it I came to realize the hardest part was that first step out the door.  Honestly I spent more time dreading it than it took to just do it.

I know I will never wake up tomorrow morning and be perfect.  You probably won't either.  Instead of wanting it all right now, just try for a tiny bit better every day.  If it's not meat, eggs, or cheese, don't eat it and move more today than you did yesterday.  It doesn't have to be the gym.  Walk or run.  Clean the garage or the basement.  Wash and wax your car.  Ride your bike.

J G.
on 1/9/13 2:47 pm

What do you like to do?.  I hate putting on socks and shoes (I'm a bare-foot girl) and I hate putting on sunscreen.  But once I do that junk I really get happy when I'm walking.

What are you having for lunch now?  Doesn't have to be salad.  What veggies do you like?  Doesn't have to be meat.  How about cottage cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, cheese sticks...  Mix it up a little.

on 1/9/13 10:27 pm - Ottawa, Canada
DS on 08/28/12

How far post op are you?   Have you tried tracking what your eating now for meals - just to get a sense of what you are eating and then try to just tweak it from there to make better choices.  You might not do it perfectly all the time but you have to start somewhere.   If you don't like going to the gym then don't do it.  Find something you do enjoy doing or at least can tolorate.  Go for a walk with a friend outside or in a mall even.  Go for a bike ride, a swim, a hike, dancing, yoga, run in place, run up and down the stairs ten times, do free weights with whatever you have in the house - ie. cans of soup if that is all you can manage.   It doesn't matter.  Just move.

Also try changing your internal dialogue from "I can't" to "I can"  - pick one thing you are going to do for yourself in that day and do it.

Good luck


on 1/10/13 4:39 am - Saskatoon, Canada

Thanks for the support it is really appreciated. I am struggling this year, but I have made some good choices with making sure I am at least getting one shake in a day, and I have asked a friend to workout with me, I hope that helps. I am going to stay on maintenance for a while instead of worrying about weight loss. I think if I can maintain where I am at and not be so crazy about the bounce back of 8-10lbs that I might be ok just the way I am. It will help.



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