Anyone experience an infection in their belly a few weeks out?
So I was having pain in my scar - it was hard and tender. I called the doctor, who asked if it was red and hot...and it was. So I went in and they had to cut another hole in me to drain it. While I'm glad it was caught and the infection has been drained, I am beyond frustrated. The open drain wound I had at the bottom of my incision has been so slow to heal. I've had issues with the drainage causing bad skin irritation and had to do a round of antibiotics. While that is finally getting better, as soon as I got off the antibiotic I got this issue in my belly. 8 weeks out and I still have my drainage hole (still 5 cm deep) and a new hole 7 cm deep right smack dab in my belly. It totally creeps me out. I went to the wound center today and they showed me how to care for it. I'll now be packing two wounds twice a day. All I want to do is be able to get back to water aerobics at the gym, but now it's going to be much longer. Wah wah the wahmbulance!! I'm down 70 pounds which I'm grateful for, but a little depressed about the healing. Any words of encouragement are appreciated - and thanks for giving me a place to vent!!!
This type of infection can happen after any abdominal surgery. I'm sorry this has happened to you. We all know there are risks of having major surgery, but we go into it hoping that nothing bad will happen to us. And of course, the complications will happen to someone, and in this case that someone is you.
The good news is that you WILL heal, it's just a question of time, and you are doing fantastically well with your weight loss. Time is on your side.
