OH, DUH, it has got to be the dairy
Ok, so today I have had chicken nuggets from chick-fil-a for breakfast with honey mustard, lunch was roast beef with no bun with red ranch sauce (like catelina dressing), and some ham lunch meat for a snack. I still have stinky toots but not as bad. I am guessing the sugar in the two sauces may be the culprit. If so not sure what I am going to do. I am going one more day with no dairy, no eggs, no sugary sauces tomorrow and then the next day eliminate cooked veggies. UGH this sucks.
Don't forget simple carbs, including that breading from the chicken nuggets.
This can be a tedious process, and may even lead to surprises. I just learned this years (I'm 7 yrs post op) that I've been blaming onions on horrible gas that I was getting from terriyaki sauce.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes