protein meal ideas
I want to get in the groove and start eating my protein first, I just can't think were to start. Meat, veggies and carbs. That is what are plates should look like, I was told to stay away from pork, don't know if that is true or not. What about things like sandwich meat/ garlic sausage, is that acceptable? And are whole wheat wraps as bag for us as bread?
I start my day with a protein shake with 1% milk , which fills me up for a couple hours. Then I start looking for something to have, nothing seems appealing. I feel like if I have to eat one more chicken breast I will scream LOL. I am not a person that likes to cook and simpler the better or more basic cooking the better. I need some ideas, I am going to do dark thighs and legs of chicken, who know that would be good for us. I love dark meat. Anyway any meal ideas would be a great help..
I did get the Atkins book from the library but it really just states, protein first, I need meal ideas more.
Thanks for your support
to truly be low carb it is necessary to prepare your own food, otherwise your resources are limited and you're putting ultimate trust in the cook/waitress. Cooking isn't very difficult , start with a slow cooker. Plenty of recipes on the net and in magazines and books. Then slowly move to other forms of cookery. As far as pork is concerned, I am Muslim so I don't do pig but many here do so if pig is your thing.....when in Rome.
The only way to truly control your carbs and protein is to cook it yourself. BTW, are you pre or post op?
I am a post op. I have not followed the plan very well and I definitely have washroom issues that I am tired of, so I thought I would get back on track. I still have weight to loss but if it doesn't come off I' m ok with that, but if I could get everything else working better I would be a happier person. Thanks for the links, the ideas are helpful
This thread has some good ideas ther-protein-ideas-sick-of-chicken-amp-turkey/
these sites are good too:
Lowish BMI? See Lightweights Board! Lightweight Creed For more on DS see
If you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you John C Maxwell Sleeve 2010 Dr López Corvala, Mexico. DS 2012 Dr Himpens, Belgium
I my DS
If you want to control bathroom issues do not do simple carbs such as wheat flour, pasta, or bread. Also, you may be lactose intolerant. I just recently discovered that my gas issue when I leave the carbs alone are still just as bad because of dairy. Check out the daily post of bites, vites and exercites. If something looks interesting most of us will answer questions about how we made it or where we got it. Eat on a child's plate. I look at the loss of interest in food as a good thing. Most of us got to be obese because of our preoccupation with food. I will post more later must help the hubs.
Pork's fine---I'd starve if I didn't eat pork! And carbs---you don't truly NEED any, ever. There are essential amino acids (the things proteins are make up of), and essential fatty acids---but there are no essential carbs. Fiber, yes, we need that for good bowel health, and they're most plentiful in complex carbs---but you can truly live forever without any simple carbs. (I don't WANT to, but I could. *grin*)
Yes, whole wheat wraps are as bad as bread. 'Whole wheat' doesn't really mean anything---what you want to look for is 'whole GRAIN'. Sandwich meats are okay, but they tend to be high in sodium. Pretty much all cheese are good, too.
Forget 1% milk---as a DSer, you malabsorb 80% of the fat you eat. Treat yourself to whole milk! Or half-n-half, or even cream. Chicken breast? Forget it---eat the dark meat instead. More moist, more flavorful, more satisfying. The crock pot can become your new best friend, if you like simple cooking.
You are absolutely right. I usually buy boneless/skinless because I'm lazy and don't like the skin. I think boning chicken is awful! I should figure out which is actually cheaper, add in the boning time and the price per pound of the bones and skin vs the higher per pound price of boneless/skinless.