Still in soon much pain, will it ever end
Sorry you are having a rough time.
Not sure what you really had done..pleated? stomach...what exactly did they do to your intestines? Can you describe it?
But anyway, if you are in that much pain contact your surgeon. Who is your surgeon? If you really had RNY to DS, you just had the mother of all abdominal surgeries except for maybe a transplant or something. Are you walking? you need to move.
keep us posted,
sorry your in so much pain, keep moving breathing and taking your pain meds. if pain meds aren't strong enough, let your surgeon know. your in our prayers and "this too shall pass" I wish I could tell when the pain would would be a good time to remind yourself of all the reasons why you decided to change your path on this journey.
Good luck and keep the board updated.
Open abd surgery then cardiac surgery as you are cutting through muscle, We suggest taking your pain med around the clock meaning set your alarm and get up and take it instead of letting the pain get out of control. Splint your stomach with a pillow to get some good coughs in. If your pain gets out of control you will breath more shallow as you will not be able to help yourself which can lead to problems. If you are running out of pain meds contact your doc as something may not be right. Not to worry just better to stay up on things then to get behind the so called 8 ball of pain!
Hope this helps