Really really scared...
Look at it this way---this is a planned, prepared-for surgery. Your surgeon is checking out your health, and doing everything possible to make you as ready for surgery as possible. He's someone who deals with the special needs of the morbidly obese each and every day.
If you choose to NOT have this surgery, what are the odds that some time in the future you'll need an emergency surgery? One that will be performed not by a bariatric specialist, but by a surgeon who does NOT understand the special needs of the MO? Who might not have the necessary equipment or the skills to work on the MO?
For some reason, I had no fear of my DS. I wasn't scared before my hernia repair, either. But knee replacement? That scared the crap outta me, and I intend to put that one off as long as I possibly can. (Thanks to my DS, I've already put it off nine years longer than the surgeon thought I could.)
on 10/28/12 5:37 am
Please don't be scared! Look at this board and how many people have gone through the surgery and happy with it. I know it's a major surgery and the thought of a doctor tweaking things inside doesn't sound fun. However, your job is just to focus on recovery when you wake up in the hospital. You'll have a journey of seeing your body change, and think of all the things you can do with kids like chasing them around and etc. Please make sure your doctor knows about your concern as they may be able to give you tools, other patient's stories and if needed, medication.
I was nervous on the day of surgery and asked my husband should we turn around and go home. After getting in the hospital, a nurse took my weight and soon put me in a room and asked to give a urine sample. A nurse came by and poked me multiple times (!@%*@!*#) to put the IV in. Then I said goodbye to hubby and was wheeled to the outside of the operations room. My surgeon came by and asked if I had questions, then the anesthesiologist came by and gave me the sleeping juice. I vaguely remember being asked to move to a different bed in the operations room, but that's it. the next thing I remembered was in the recovery room with a nurse tending to my needs. Then you know, during the recovery period you'll be tired, and need help from time to time, but this phase will pass by fast and soon you will be back to normal except with a smaller stomach and on the way of losing!! There's nothing more exciting when you see yourself going from 300+ to the 290s group, then it just keeps dropping.
Anyway, what I am trying to say is this surgery has been done for quite a long time and many people have walked through the journey. just make sure your doctor is a truly experienced DS doctor, then you are in good hands. If you are not sure, like mentioned before, check Also, you can ask here if anyone has had your doctor for DS, and see what kind of responses you will get.
Good luck with everything and just relax!! :)