Change in tastes post op
I'm 18 months out and still don't want to put anything "crappy" in my mouth! I actually crave good, pure food, fixed lovingly, not the fast food I used to survive on. I have a hard time with deep-fried foods as it seems to literally coat my mouth when I eat it. Since surgery I have become increasingly aware of organic foods and the difference in flavor from those that are processed. This is one side effect I hope I don't lose over time.
I have found nothing tastes just right. I will think about a food, want it and then when I have that food it just does not taste right. I am hoping this gets better overtime.
on 10/29/12 11:12 am, edited 10/29/12 11:12 am
I'm nearly 3 months out...
Mine change all the time... Some things I loved before surgery (ie fish)... I couldn't stand at first. I NEVER like Tilapia. Now I love it. I ate very natural & organic before. I have always been able to taste chemicals .... After surgery, my biggest issue with taste is water! Some I cannot deal with other's I'm fine.
I had a sweet tooth before surgery. I have none now. It is very bizarre. Funny thing is the surgeon who did mine told me that if I had a "real" sweet tooth, I should get the RNY. No joke! He is a surgeon on the DSFacts website.