Indianapolis DS Events for October

Chad M.
on 10/8/12 11:19 pm - Indianapolis, IN
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Most months we have a dinner and a support group meeting. This month, we have:

Indianapolis DS Dinner
Tuesday, October 9
City BBQ
7863 US 31 S, Indianapolis

This month we give south-siders a break on their drive. Please try to RSVP if you plan to attend.

DS Support Group
Tuesday, October 23, 6:30 PM
St. Vincent Hospital, Carmel Bariatric Center, Entrance 4

Support group meeting run by St V nurse or dietitian. Everyone is welcome! We often go for dinner after the meeting. No need to RSVP for the support group.

By request, I also notify of these events by email and on facebook, so get in touch with me if you would like to receive updates that way

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