The Final Countdown
DS on 04/26/12
Wait, they submitted before 90 days?! WHY!!!??? I have Aetna too and I was told that people can get rejected for non compliance if their surgeon submits before the 90 days.
Yea I thought the same thing so I called the doctors office and she flat out states that it was submitted to early. WTF are u kidding me, u do this on a daily basis and ur F****ing up. I was so pissed I just asked what my options were. She states that Aetna may or may not let it past but its a huge gap so shes not sure, or if its denied they will resubmitt, but I should not have to redue my 90 days. I knew it wasnt til August 3st so I wont get mad, I will just wait til my alloted time. Please pray for me
DS on 04/26/12
Prayers sent. They will probably have to resubmit but it isn't a big deal. I have heard of this happening to a lot of people. That's annoying for sure.