What do you/did you look forward to after your WLS

on 7/29/12 4:02 am, edited 7/29/12 4:06 am - PA
DS on 08/20/12
It's been a 3 1/2 year journey and now, here I am, 3 weeks away from my surgery date and in my head I have been listing the things I can't wait for once I lose this weight.  So, I thought I would compile an actual list.  So tell me, what do/did you guys have on your list?

*Being able to wear a seatbelt again (this will make my firefighter/EMT father happy).
*Not having to ask for a seatbelt extender on a plane
--And on that note, sitting comfortably in a coach seat and not spilling into the seat next to me!
---And also being able to put the tray down in front of me!
*Going to sporting events and concerts again and being able to walk through the parking lot to get to my seat, which I will be able to fit in!
*Going to the mall to shop instead of having to buy clothes online from select stores.
*Purchasing a new couch and not having it sag within a few months.
*Being comfortable in my computer chair!
*Sitting in outdoor plastic chairs at family picnics and not worry about breaking the chair.
*Roller coasters!  And theme parks as a whole.  Being able to walk them...and fit in the seats!  It's been 14 years since my last roller coaster.
*Not being the fattest person in my family.  I have a huge family and I am definitely the largest.  I am ready to relinquish that title 
*Not having to request a table at restaurants and being able to sit in a booth.
*Wearing shorts!
*Going swimming...and being able to get myself out of the pool/ocean.
*Getting on a bike again.  It's been probably 18 years.
*Walking my dog and being able to keep up with him.
*Doing a fun 5k like the Color Run or Mud Run.
*Joining a gym and actually committing!
*Sitting on the floor...and being able to get back up off of the floor!
*Sitting comfortably in a movie theater next to my husband and not having a seat between us.
*The ability to chase my infant and toddler nieces around and not be exhausted after a few minutes of play.
*Getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy (or 3)!
------This was my deciding factor on getting the DS. I want to have kids and my weight has caused me to become infertile.
*Being able to wear sneakers with laces and strappy sandals again.  The swelling in my feet has prevented this for the past 5 years.
*Wearing jeans and not the size 38 I currently squeeze into.
*The ability to drive a gas efficient compact car and not the gas guzzling SUV I currently own.
*Being able to lose weight and still enjoy foods I love like steak, barbecue chicken, eggs, and cheese.
--And not being a slave to salads and fad diets.
*Going back to work as a bank teller and being able to be on and off my feet for 8 hours a day.
*Making my family proud.  I know they love me, but I often feel like I have disappointed them in some way.  They would never say that, but a part of me feels like losing this weight will bring out the true me, not the introverted me I currently am.
*Being able to educate and hopefully inspire some of my MO and overweight friends and family about the DS.

So, there you have it.  I'm sure I'll think of more and add to my list.  I am interested in seeing some of the things on your list!

"Switched" 8/20/12
HW: 419
SW: 403
CW: 359
on 7/29/12 6:30 am, edited 7/29/12 6:31 am - philadelphia, PA
DS on 04/26/12
You list was/is very similar to mine.

I'm three months out now and have made a little head way on the list. I'm at about 263 right now. Went to California a few weeks ago, though it was less than a week after having my gall bladder removed, on the plane over, I was disapointed because I still needed a seat belt extender...that was United. However, on the way back, US Air, the seat belt fit fine! First time in about 7 years that I haven't needed the extender.

Movie seats are much more comfortable. Actually, chairs in general are more comfortable. Outdoor, indoor. I used to have panic attacks if I went somewhere and the seats had arms. Now, I can do it without worrying that I won't fit or that I will break the chair. (it has happened more than once, sadly). My highest weight was 347 and my surgery weight was 330. I still have a ways to go but things are starting to get way better. Good luck on your journey!!
on 7/29/12 1:08 pm
Awesome list! I posted mine a few days ago and I think I am going to print it out and carry it with me. I am having these moments of terror/anxiety over the surgery and reading my list helps me to get through those moments. I wish you so much luck on your journey and I am excited to see our "after" pics!!
on 7/30/12 2:11 am - CA
I am almost 3 years out from my surgery and realized when I read your list that I take these things for granted now.  Your list brings back a lot of painful memories but in a good way.  It is sooo wonderful to escape the prison of obesity.  I think I spent so much time in my head thinking about being obese, working around the obstacles, the self hate that was my shadow, that I pretend it never existed now.  I live as if this was always my life. 

I thought I would be obsessed with all things that a fairly normal weight would bring....clothes shopping, looking in the mirror, wearing more makeup, showing off my new look to people I hadn't seen in a long time, analyzing my body, talking about my weight, etc.  I actually hardly do any of that yet I'm happier than I have ever been.  I am grateful but I just burned out on focusing on my looks.  It's great to focus on other things for once. 

One thing I couldn't wait to do was to put my knee up to my chest and paint my toe nails MYSELF! 
I couldn't wait to wake up and not fear that my clothes would fit (the very few I had) or that they would be irreparably stained
To not worry that I wouldn't be able to reach and clean myself (I was getting very close)
I almost couldn't reach the gas/brake pedals in my car.  I was pushing them with my toes. 
I feared choking to death on a piece of food and having the paramedics judge me for being fat and have everyone know that was how I died
I wanted to have sex in more than 2 positions and to not feel like my husband was rollig on a beach ball

Thank you for reminding me to be extra grateful today and to send prayers for those who still suffer thru the hope that a diet/exercise and willpower will be enough to help them.  I will pray for your successful surgery and that all of your dreams come true. 



on 7/30/12 4:20 am
 Much of my list has to do with joint pain. I know that the weight loss won't completely reverse my chronic conditions (mainly bursitis and osteoarthritis) but it should diffuse the painful symptoms, AND eliminate the frequent accompanying repetitive stress injuries in my knees and ankles! 

1. Getting through entire days, pain free
2. returning to a normal life (not limiting the amount of time I can spend sitting up or walking about) without lots of pain medication
3. Being able to hike "off-road"
4. Not having to explain to anyone what my limitations are, because they won't BE there!

then there's the stuff i've ALWAYS wanted, the stuff that motivated me to try to lose weight from the start:

5. not being pinched in theater seating
6. finding clothes that flatter me more easily and not having to pay extra for "plus" sizes
7. Shopping for a bra in a store and not having to fudge the size
8. no more getting winded on the stairs or walking uphill
9. no more feeling tied down by gravity (the last time I was below 200lbs, you could hardly keep me on the ground)
10. no more having to widen paths and passages or waiting to pass because there's only room for 2 average sized adults to pass one another. (so embarrassing)

I just really hope my insurance company will agree to cover DS, in spite of their policy. 
on 7/30/12 7:04 am - PA
DS on 08/20/12
Yes, the joint pain is absolutely awful.  I wake up in the morning extremely stiff and it takes a couple of hours for my body to adjust.  Then I start to feel good and do housework or go shopping and then I am in pain in the evening.  It's a vicious cycle.  I can't wait to wake up and feel rested!  And I can't wait to not have constant knee pain.  I'm 32, I shouldn't be this crippled!

Thanks for the replies so far.  I have more to add to my "list" 
"Switched" 8/20/12
HW: 419
SW: 403
CW: 359
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